




  古くからの民間伝承における妖精(  fairy  )とは、様々な妖怪や魑魅魍魎の類いであった。 







 The Carasoyn 



 "Know, son of a human mortal, that thou hast pleased a queen of the fairies. (1) Lady as I am over the elements (2), I cannot have everything I desire. One thing thou hast given me. Years have I longed for a path down this rivulet to the ocean below... "(3) 


 Those three days were the happiest he had ever known. For he understood everything he did himself, and all that everything was doing round about him. (4) He saw what the rushes were, and why the blossom came out at the side, and why it was russet-coloured, and why the pith was white, and the skin green. (5) And he said to himself, "If I were a rush now, that's just how I should make a point of growing. (6)" And he knew how the heather felt with its cold roots, and its head of purple bells; and the wise-looking cotton-grass, which the old woman called her sheep, and the white beard of which she spun into thread. 



 ...when the wickedness of any fairy reaches its climax (7), the punishment that falls upon them is, that they are compelled to leave that part of the country where they and their ancestors have lived for more years than they can count (8), and wander away, driven by an inward restlessness, ever longing after the country they have left, but never able to turn round and go back to it, always thinking they will do so to-morrow, but when to-morrow comes, saying to-morrow again, till at last they find, not their old home, but the place of their doom (9) ―  that is, a place where their restlessness leaves them, and they find they can remain. This partial repose, however, springs from no satisfaction with the place (10); it is only that their inward doom ceases to drive them further. They sit down to weep, and to long after the country they have left. (11) 

 This is not because the country to which they have been driven is ugly and inclement ―  it may or may not be such (12); it is simply because it is not their country. If it would be, and it must be, torture to the fairy of a harebell to go and live in a hyacinth (13) ―  a torture quite analogous to which many human beings undergo from their birth to their death (14), and some of them longer (15), for anything I can tell (16) ―  think what it must be for a tribe of fairies to have to go and live in a country quite different from that in and for which they were born (17). To the whole tribe the country is what the flower is to the individual (18); and when a fairy is born to whom the whole country is what the individual flower is to the individual fairy (19), then the fairy is king or queen of the fairies, and always makes a new nursery rhyme for the young fairies, which is never forgotten (20). When, therefore, a tribe is banished, it is long before they can settle themselves into their new quarters. Their clothes do not fit them, as it were. (21) They are constantly wriggling themselves into harmony with their new circumstances ―  which is only another word for clothes ―  and never quite succeeding. It is their punishment ―  and something more. Consequently their temper is not always of the evenest; indeed, and in a word, they are as like human mortals as may well be, considering the differences between them. 


 Now that which happens to the aspect of a country when the fairies leave it (22), is that a kind of deadness falls over the landscape. The traveller feels the wind as before, but it does not seem to refresh him. The child sighs over his daisy chain, and cannot find a red-tipped one amongst all that he has gathered. (23) The cowslips have not half the honey in them. The wasps outnumber the bees. (24) The horses come from the plough more tired at night, hanging their heads to their very hoofs as they plod homewards. (25) The youth and the maiden, though perfectly happy when they meet, find the road to and from the trysting-place (26) unaccountably long and dreary. The hawthorn-blossom is neither so white nor so red as it used to be (27), and the dark rough bark looks through and makes it ragged. The day is neither so warm nor the night so friendly as before. (28) In a word, that something which no one can either describe or be content to go without is missing. Everything is common-place. Everything falls short of one’s expectations. (29) 

 But it does not follow that the country to which the fairies are banished is so much richer and more beautiful for their presence. If that country has its own fairies, it needs no more, and Devon (30) in especial has been rich in fairies from the time of the Phoenicians, and ever so long before that. But supposing there were no aborigines left to quarrel with, it takes centuries before the new immigration can fit itself into its new home. Until this comes about, the queerest things are constantly happening. For however could a convolvulus grow right with the soul of a Canterbury-bell inside it, for instance? (31) The banished fairies are forced to do the best they can, and take the flowers the nearest they can find. 






    =Though I am lady over the elements,  私は自然を操る主人であるけれども、 






  彼は  rush  (灯芯草。植物の名前)がどのようなものであり、その花がなぜ茎の側から生えているか、その花がなぜえんじ色をしているか、その茎の芯がなぜ白い色をしており、皮がなぜ緑色をしているのか、全ての理由を理解することができた。 






























  そんな妖精が一族の王や女王となり、幼い妖精達のために子守歌をつくってやる、そしてその子守歌は決して忘れられることはない。  (  人間の王や首相は必ずしも国民と切り離せない特別な関係を持って生まれたものではなく、彼らを讚えるために作った肖像屋銅像はすぐに忘れ去られる。  ) 






















  何故なら  convolvulus  の花が  Canterbury-bell  の花の魂を持っていてちゃんと育つことなんてできる筈がないでしょう。 
