●event & seminar
●「新聞広告デジタル制作・送稿ガイド Ver1.0」PDF(日本広告業協会) ●ヒラギノOpenType情報 Webサイトで公表(大日本スクリーン)
●i-Phone: the cellular secret of Apple(Google Italian-to-English Beta) ●OS X: Intel Inside?(Network Computing) ●Could Macs Mean Business At Last?(ZDNet) ●How Extreme is 'Quartz Extreme'? Very, According To Apple - A Performance Report(MacReviewZone) ●Using PC Peripherals On The Mac(O'Reilly Network) ●Interview With A Mac Switcher: Jeremiah Cohick(OSNews.com) ●Apple Bundles InDesign With Power Macs(Slashdot) ●Powerbook G4 1GHz/Superdrive(MacRumors) ●An In-Depth Look At Mac OS X 10.2 - Jaguar(USA Today)
●If We Join Forces, We Can Become Stronger! (Internet.com)
●soft ware
●Adobe Illustrator 10 体験版(アドビ)●Adobe Illustrator 10.0.1 update(Adobe) ●イラレの鬼MX 1.0.0(新らし物好きのダウンロード) ●Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0.5 日本語版 ●SVG Viewer 3J ●AdobePS 8.8J(Adobe) ●「もじくみかなSH版」(スタジオ・ポット)「もじくみ仮名」(日本語の文字と組版を考える会)
●cool site
●Pleasezine.net ●pound recordings ●Moonstone Interactiv
●ダメなWebデザイン 正解がわかる実践テクニック(インプレス)
●Illustrator 10.・Photoshop 7 のエイリアスにドロップしたファイルが消える
●Mac OS For x86 - Hearsay Or Heresy? (ZDNet) ●Moore's Even More Exhaustive Musings On The Termination Of Dual Booting Macs(Applelinks) ●Moore's Views & Reviews: The Mac OS Is Dead Letters(Applelinks) ●The Never-Ending Upgrade Cycle(Low End Mac) ●The Jaguar Report: What Do You Mean Your Mac Can't Run System 6?(The Mac Night Owl) ●Everything Old Is New Again: Using vMac to Run System 6 and 7 Inside OS 9 and X(Low End Mac) ●Optipix 1.0.2 for Adobe Photoshop(Creative Mac) ●Font Smoothing in OS X(2 Guys, a Mac, and a Website) ●Adobe InDesign And Apple(Applelinks.com) ●Adobe: InDesign Now Gaining On Quark(Insanely Great Mac) ●QuarkXPress How-To: Transform Text into Art (creativepro) ●Photoshop Tutorial: Faded Border(Robouk Designs) ●週刊ドットブック:第16回 できれば紙で出せればいい……そりゃホンマか!(ZDNet Mac) ●Macの将来を見つめるApple(ZDNet Mac) ●Tablet PCに採用された“メイド イン ジャパン”の技術(ZDNet/JAPAN)
●Fireworks MX Review( MacReview) ●Web-Graphics Program Provides Refined Features And Added Versatility(Macworld) ●特集:脱教えて君〜反則技スペシャル(ネットランナー)
●protoculture ●theFACTORY ●normalnatural
●Illustratorプラグイン [ きちんと角丸 ] の販売(楕円設計)デモ版有り ●Illustratorプラグイン [ パスの制御点の実体化 ](楕円設計)フリーソフトウェア ●Adobe Touts OS X Advantage Over Quark(CNET News.com) ●The Jaguar Report: The Desktop Publishing Race is On(The Mac Night Owl) ●Go Ahead, Stick with Mac OS 9(Low End Mac) ●A Happy Geek(NetworkWorldFusion) ●Mac Heads Immortalized in Pixels(Wired) ●OS 9, G5's in 2003, and Apple Engineers(Mac Rumors) ●Apple seeds OS X 10.2.1 build 6D51(Think Secret) ●Less Tangible: The Death of Mac OS 9(MacOpinion) ●Acquatic Mac: Switching Off Mac OS 9(Low End Mac) ●Giving Mac OS 9 the Boot(MacFixIt) ●Mac Scope: Leaving the Past Behind(Low End Mac) ●Time for Apple to Do the Right Thing(Low End Mac) ●Creative Mac Tutorials: Creating Path-Based Objects in Photoshop(Creative Mac) ●Photoshop Tutorial: Tab Menus(Robouk Designs) ●KnockOut 2: Unique masking 'plug-in'(Mac Design) ●Reviews: 'How to Cheat in Photoshop'(MacUser) ●Interview: Cocoa Guru Andrew Stone Of Stone Design(iDevGames) ●Adobe FrameMaker 7.0(Macworld) ●Q&A: How Mac And Windows Can Talk To Each Other(New York Times) ●Apple Expo 2日目ブースレポート ソフトメーカー編(ZDNet Mac) ●プロセスレスについて触れつつ、PRINTEK後に「マスターは何を想う?」(ZDNet Mac) ●言ってはいけない一言,言うべき一言(JAGAT)
●Mozilla 1.2 Alpha Released(Macs Only!) ●For Position Only: How Trustworthy Is Your Search Engine?(creativepro)
●Activate ●PIXEL 8 DESIGN ●schroders XMAS GAME
●Apple eyes the future of the Mac(MacCentral) ●Mac And PC: Ne'er The Twain Will Meet(BusinessWeek) ●Read Between The Lines To See What Apple Is Really Up To(MacNET 2.0) ●After a Summer of Product Releases, Macworld's Readers Panel Sounds Off on Jaguar, .Mac and Other Expo News(Macworld) ●Seybold: Product announcements(Macworld UK) ●Copland/Gershwin vs. NeXT(Slashdot) ●Is the End of Dual Booting a Blessing or a Curse?(Mac Night Owl) ●Photoshop Tips: Make Text on the Web Look Sharper(creativepro) ●Photoshop Tutorial: Vortex Dots(Robouk Designs) ●フォントワークスのフォント環境サポート・プログラム「LETS」本格稼働開始(ZDNet Mac) ●Schiller氏:印刷プロ、デザインプロはJaguarを採用すべき(ZDNet Mac) ●2003年より、Macの起動OSがMac OS Xのみに(ZDNet Mac) ●PFU、PDF対応の両面カラースキャナー(ASCII24)
●Dreamweaver MX(Macworld) ●米Adobe、「Adobe Graphics Server 2.0」を発表(ZDNet Mac)
●SONLIN | DESIGN ●the general idea ●LukeW.com
●Apple Plans Expo Double-Header(eWEEK) ●Mac OS X-Only Booting For 2003(Macworld UK) ●New Macs will only boot X(MacUser) ●Apple: Future Macs to Boot Into Mac OS X Only(eWEEK) ●The One Paragraph Paris Expo Report: The Death of Dual Booting(The Mac Night Owl) ●Apple preps OS X-only booting(The Register) ●Macs Won't Boot Into Mac OS 9 in 2003(Slashdot) ●OS 9 Dead, Boot to X Only in 2003(Insanely Great Mac) ●Photoshop [Elements] 2.0 a jewel for all users(Chicago Tribune) ●The Logo Creator v.2.5: Logo creation software(Mac Design) ●Photoshop Tutorial: Gradient Menu(Robouk Designs) ●The Day The Mac OS Died(Applelinks) ●The Apple Online Museum: Be proud of the Mac legacy(MacEdition) ●Copland and NeXT: Looking back at what happened(iGeek) ●Creative Thinking in Photoshop: Art from the Ashes(creativepro)
●Mozilla Rising(Salon) ●デジクリWebディレクションの花道:「制作」編(ZDNet Mac) ●マーキュリー、Webデザインソフト「Freeway 3.5.5J」のデモ版を公開(ZDNet Mac)
●Happy Holidays Flash ●visual playground ●KPC CHAMELEON
●Is That A Mac In A Penguin Suit?(CNET News.com) ●Apple Explains Interface Differences(Slashdot) ●A Jaguar Overview - Part 1(AppleLust) ●No new hardware to debut at Apple Expo Paris/Seybold(Think Secret) ●Rumors outlook for Tuesday's Apple Expo and Seybold Seminars(Insanely Great Mac) ●Adobe Expands Network Publishing Vision at Seybold SF(creativepro) ●View font previews in 10.2 ●Rename printers in 10.2(Mac OS X Hints) ●Jaguar, Classic & Quark(OSXFAQ) ●Photoshop Tutorial: Micro Buttons(Robouk Designs) ●iMacs With 19 Inch Screens?(MacSlash) ●居酒屋「絵夢D」色ばなし:プロファイルも大事なんだけど!(ZDNet Mac) ●多彩な画像ファイルとXMLをサポートした『ファイルメーカーPro』新版(CNET Japan) ●HPの画期的なナノテクノロジー計画(CNET Japan) ●印刷ビジネスを広げるデジタルプリンティング(JAGAT)
●Building a Fast, Reliable Network Economically(Low End Mac) ●10 choices that were critical to the Net's success(SiliconValley.com) ●Web標準を守らないW3Cメンバー(ZDNet/USA) ●ファイルメーカーで商用ウェブサイトを構築する(ZDNet Mac) 第2回 なぜファイルメーカーでなければならなかったのか? ●NTT東西が11月から『フレッツ・ADSL』に12Mbpsコース追加(CNET Japan)
●LovetoYou ●Webcome Studio ●gonzalovich
●Does Apple's "Switch" Campaign Have a Ghost of a Chance of Working?(Mac Night Owl) ●Vote for the CPU Architecture Apple Should Switch To(OSNews) ●Turning Off Stuff You Don’t Need With Extensions Manager(Applelinks) ●My PC wasn't Plug-n-Play. It was Plug-n-Get-Mad(Apple) ●Taming the Big Cat(United Mac) ●The Megahertz Mentality Reigns, But Processor Speed Is Almost Passe(Washington Post)
●Why OmniWeb Is My Browser Of Choice(thinkAAPL) ●QuickTime 6, Now Also for Classic(Global Mac News) ●Friday Software Pick: Remote Desktop Connection(RAILhead Design) ●To WiFi or Not to WiFi?(Fortune) ●ブロードバンドで先進ユーザをつかめ(JAGAT) ●特集:いますぐ始めるホットスポット(ヤフーBBマガジン)
●Hues of R.B.Y. lines ●utopia ●Crane Telecom
●ウェブサイト リデザイン(ソフトバンクパブリッシング)
●Apple Makes A Pitch To Switch(PCWorld.com) ●Attention OS 8, 9'ers: You Can Catch Up To Jaguar(Seattle Times) ●Interview: Pepper Author Maarten Hekkelman(Daring Fireball) ●Sapphire Brushes (for Illustrator) Vol 8 released(MacMinute) ●凸版印刷がディスプレー付き非接触ICカードを開発(CNET Japan) ●オープン化に逆行する?フルデジタル化(JAGAT) ●【コラム】OS Xハッキング! Terminalでファイルリストを多色表示する(MYCOM PC WEB) ●インフォーツ、インデックスプリントユーティリティ発売(ZDNet Mac)
● 特集:最新ブラウザを使いこなす〜Opera vs. IE(Yahoo! Internet Guide) ●【レポート】ウェブ・アクセシビリティ点検・修正システム「ウェブヘルパー」(1)(MYCOM PC WEB) ●【レポート】ウェブ・アクセシビリティ点検・修正システム「ウェブヘルパー」(2)(MYCOM PC WEB)
●Snowman Builder ●m-o-n-a-m-o-u-r ●platinion diversion
●PBS purges Web content on Israeli disapproval(The Register) ●Macintosh 128K(Low End Mac) ●The 10 Greatest Computer Annoyances(Low End Mac) ●Mac vs PC Web site sees changes(MacCentral) ●BT opens world to X 10.1(Macworld UK) ●The Jaguar Report: The Good, the Bad, and . . .(The Mac Night Owl) ●Double trouble(The Age) ●Linux users say Mac OS X has future over Linux(Architosh) ●Next-Generation Power4 Processor No-Go for Power Macs(O'Grady's PowerPage) ●Readers contribute info on IBM 64-bit PowerPC & G4/G5 AltiVec(Architosh) ●IBM PPC => No Altivec?(MacRumors) ●Photoshop Tutorial: Glossy buttons(Robouk Designs) ●“パナソニックセンター”を見てきました(ZDNet/JAPAN) ●週刊ドットブック:第15回 構造改革なくして未来文学なし?(ZDNet Mac) ●Mac OS X 10.2のお話をしよう−アップデートからインプレッションまで(ZDNet Mac)
●Design Vanities Don't Deserve a Bonfire(Small Initiatives) ●GoLive How-To: Managing Web Workflow and Tracking File Revisions(creativepro) ●99.9% Of Websites Are Obsolete(Digital Web Magazine) ●Web May Put Smarter Computers Within Reach(Washington) ●韓国から学べるインターネットビジネス(JAGAT) ●定額使い放題のbモバイルにCFカードタイプ〜9月14日発売(ZDNet/JAPAN)
●goldiechiari ●scarful.com ●news.scotsman.com
●Analyst stays cautious on Adobe Systems in anticipation of Acrobat 6.0(Planet PDF) ●Adobe releases PDF Forms Access Agent utility aka 'Tea Party'(Planet PDF) ●Seybold to kick off with Schiller keynote(MacCentral) ●Grading Jaguar(Mac Net Journal) ●Speed is in the cards(Computer User) ●The x86 Mac that is not a PC(MacBloQs) ●Mac OS X 10.2 Jagaur(Ars Technica) ●Perhaps It's Time To Close A Few Apple Stores(MacNET 2.0) ●Scaled-Down Software In Photoshop's Image(New York Times) ●PStill 2.3.3( VersionTracker)Converts EPS/PS & other PostScript to PDF ●Under the Desktop: Running with the Big Cat, Apple's Jaguar OS X(creativepro) ●Photoshop Tutorial: Plastic Tabs" Robouk Designs(Robouk Designs) ●印刷業界最新事情〜PRINTEK TOKYO 東京グラフィックスフェア合同展〜レポート(ZDNet Mac) ●マスターのつぶやき:ポストプレスの占める物理的且つ心理的面積の大きさにただただびっくり(ZDNet Mac)
●Netscape 7.0 vs iCab 2.8.1 for Mac OS Classic Speed Shootout(Applelinks) ●Mac Daniel's Advice: Sharing Your Internet Connection(Low End Mac) ●ユビキタスネットワーク時代の展望〜デジタル家電フォーラム2002(INTERNET Watch)
●Adobe updates Illustrator(MacCentral) ●Installer Permissions update for InDesign 2.0, Mac OS X, v.10.1.x - Japanese(Adobe) ●Q&A With Steve Wozniak(Macworld) ●IBM AltiVec(MacRumors) ●Profile, I've seen the iMac. I've used the iMac. The iMac is a remarkable machine. Profile, you're no iMac(AltiM@c) ●Woz Finally Gets Around To Installing OS 9(Crazy Apple Rumors) ●The Jaguar Report: Hey, It's Only an Operating System(The Mac Night Owl) ●Apple's Jaguar Upgrade Is The Cat's Meow(USA Today) ●Mac OS X: Look Who Else Is Switching(ZDNet) ●Adobe sues for customers right to use fonts(MacCentral) ●Plug-Ins and XTensions: The Spices of Software(creativepro) ●Layer-Based Animation in Adobe ImageReady(Creative Mac) ●Photoshop Tutorial: Pixel Bevels" Robouk Designs(Robouk Designs) ●Apple担当者がデュアルプロセッサシステムの拡張性、騒音について語る(ZDNet Mac)
●印刷業はクロスメディアにどう取り組むか(JAGAT) ●スピードネットが5GHz帯無線アクセス実験開始(CNET Japan)
●4vs5 Winter format ●o4d ●lisa-mariegomez
●JIS X 4051 改正素案「日本語文書の組版方法」公開レビュー(日本規格協会情報技術標準化研究センター) ●Windows facing a challenge(Australian IT) ●Walmart.com flogs $199 Linux OS PCs(The Register) ●The New Power Macintosh G4: Myth and Reality(The Mac Night Owl) ●Jaguar stalks Windows users(Gannett News Service) ●Can Apple's Jaguar Break Windows?(NewsFactor) ●Interesting Bits Of Jaguar(TidBITS) ●Mac OS X 10.2 -- New Apps(Macs Only!) ●Good Reasons To Upgrade To OS X 10.2(San Francisco Chronicle) ●Photoshop Tutorial: Plastic Pill(Robouk Designs) ●デジクリPowerBook Publishing Project:(4)食べていくことと、出版と(上)(ZDNet Mac)
●Ihnatko: Three easy tips on how to make an annoying Web site(Chicago Sun-Times) ●Browser of the Millennium(Chimera" MacCritic) ●Great Sites: What Makes Sun's Site Shine Brightly(creativepro) ●ハイテクウォーカー Netscape7の登場で復活を目指すMNG(MYCOM PC WEB)
●garyster ●DJK ●antigirl
●Apple's x86 OS named, sized(The Register) ●Apple Keeps Options Open with MacOSX Marklar(OSNews.com) ●Introduction To And Experiences With Mac Cocoa(Kuro5hin.org) ●Corel licences JPG2000(Macworld UK) ●How does OS X 10.2 Jaguar compare with the 10.0 and 10.1 releases?(MacBuyersGuide) ●20 great tips & techniques for users of Mac OS X 10.2.x(MacBuyersGuide) ●Photoshop Tutorial: 3D package Box(Robouk Designs) ●居酒屋「絵夢D」色ばなし(ZDNet Mac) コンシューマ・デジカメは、ぼけ味は出しにくいが、被写界深度の深さでピンが合いやすい ●エクスクルーシブフォントとAXIS Type Project(JAGAT)
●September Issue of Web Page Design for Designers ●CSS Positioning: How the browsers cope(Web Page Design for Designers) ●Top Tip - Zapping Cached Pages(Web Page Design for Designers) ●Mini Review - WYSIWYG Editors and CSS(Web Page Design for Designers) ●Dreamweaver MX(MacReview) ●The Holy Grail Of Remote Controls(Associated Press) ●PDAとケータイの理想の結婚(ZDNet/USA) ●Mac OS X 10.2発売直後レビュー (3) インターネット&ネットワーク編〜補足(ZDNet Mac)
●Tupe Strojarne ●qwadrat イ media labs ●CubiC
●Apple unleashes Jaguar for its latest bite at Unix(The National Business Review) ●More Apple OS rumors(The Tech Report)13: 00 ●Display Technology: Painting a Rosy View(CIO Magazine)13: 00 ●Profile 4 rivals iMac design(nzoom.com)13: 00 ●The Jaguar Report: Should You Be an Early Adopter?(Mac Night Owl) ●Reader Report: 2002 Power Mac G4(MacInTouch) ●2002 Power Mac G4: Noise Abatement Enclosure(MacInTouch) ●Mac OS X Reader Reports: Jaguar Part VII(MacInTouch) ●OS X for x86? Not likely(ArtificialChees) ●Apple Secretly Maintaining X86 Port Of OS X(Slashdot) ●Jaguar bytes: First thoughts(AMUG.org) ●Adobe Photoshop problem...nudge, nudge, wink, wink...tell us more, tell us more(MacMerc) ●Photoshop 7 Type Basics(Planet Photoshop) ●PdfCompress 1.0(VersionTracker)Compresses Quartz PDF files
●Power-line networking(MacInTouch)
●Baby Steps Design Gr ●suicidegirls ●Cyber Lounge
●Adobe GoLive6.0 アドビ・ゴーライブ教室6.0 Windows&Macintosh(インプレス)
●Apple Keeps x86 Torch Lit with 'Marklar'(eWEEK) ●Newton X: Why Apple Needs To Go This Way(Architosh) ●Ease Into The Switch(O'Reilly Network) ●How Linux Could Become the Next Killer Desktop(NewsFactor) ●Mac OS X 10.2: Some Users Cannot Use Classic(AppleCare Knowledge Base) ●Mac OS X 10.2: Classic Requires That You Already Have Mac OS 9(AppleCare Knowledge Base)
●Netscape 7.0 Shrivels Under Mozilla's Shadow(eWeek)
●JeanPaulGaultier.com ●who ate all the pies ●Hero