●event & seminar
●「新聞広告デジタル制作・送稿ガイド Ver1.0」PDF(日本広告業協会) ●ヒラギノOpenType情報 Webサイトで公表(大日本スクリーン)
●Motorola at 90-nanometers(MacRumors) ●Hands On Mac OS X v10.2(Low End Mac) ●The Pen As Mighty As The Keyboard(Business 2.0) ●Suitcase font utility optimized for Jaguar(MacCentral) ●Photoshop Tutorial: Simple [glass] Orb(Robouk Designs) ●マスターのつぶやき(ZDNet Mac) Exif Printより、DTP的な出力保証という点ではPIMの方が信頼できるように思える ●緊急特集:Mac OS X 10.2(Jaguar)徹底分析 〜Quartz Extremeの実力は?(MYCOM PC WEB) ●アップル、『Rendezvous』技術をオープンソース化(CNET Japan)
●Working The Web: Newsreaders(The Guardian) ●P2P Networking With Rendezvous And iChat(O'Reilly Network) ●What's So Great About Mac OS X 10.2? Networking!(ZDNet) ●Netscape 7.0 and Jaguar: Maybe It Just Needs a Diet(The Mac Night Owl) ●Netscape 7.0 - A Winner! But For Who?(O'Reilly Network) ●Netscape 7.0が登場、より良いパフォーマンスを約束(ZDNet Mac) ●POWERBOOK ARMY:検証・無線LANインターネット接続(ZDNet Mac)
●soft ware
●Adobe Illustrator 10 体験版(アドビ)●Adobe Illustrator 10.0.1 update(Adobe) ●イラレの鬼MX 1.0.0(新らし物好きのダウンロード) ●Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0.5 日本語版 ●SVG Viewer 3J ●AdobePS 8.8J(Adobe) ●「もじくみかなSH版」(スタジオ・ポット)「もじくみ仮名」(日本語の文字と組版を考える会)
●cool site
●k u r s t ●Unhuman ●phojekt
●Adobe GoLive6.0 アドビ・ゴーライブ教室6.0 Windows&Macintosh(インプレス)
●Illustrator 10.・Photoshop 7 のエイリアスにドロップしたファイルが消える
●Apple to release Rendezvous as open source(MacCentral ) ●Newton's Return: A Hit And A Myth(Wired News) ●Apple's Newton Just Won't Drop(Wired News) ●Mac OS X upgrade makes robust case for making a switch(SeattlePi.com) ●Getting pro-active(The Age) ●Quartz Extreme with Unsupported Video Cards(Slashdot) ●Ask MacSlash: Jaguar Too Helpful Finding Fonts(MacSlash) ●Jobs and Woz: Together Again?(MacRumors) ●Apple Struggles With Lame Ducks(CW360) ●For Position Only: The PDF/X Files(creativepro) ●Photoshop Tutorial: Old Stone(Robouk Designs) ●The Ubiquitous Aqua Text Tutorial has been updated!(MacMerc) ●iDraw 1.1: Illustration and Animation Program Has Many Problems(Macworld) ●アップルが外付けドライブでのDVD焼き付けを禁止(CNET Japan)
●Keep it Simple(DigitalWeb) ●Meet Mr. Anti-Google(Salon) ●Salute to SatireWire(Low End Mac) ●Sherlock 3.0: Everything A Net User Could Ask For(Mac OS Planet) ●The Jaguar Report: Cross-Platform Networking is a Breeze(The Mac Night Owl) ●携帯機器からのネットアクセス、米で約1000万人に浸透(ZDNet/ロイター) ●レッド・シェリフ、Flashムービーを“丸裸”にする新サービス(ZDNet/JAPAN) ●ユビキタスネットワーク時代の市場創造(JAGAT) ●どん底の『Netscape』ブラウザー(CNET Japan) ●Netscape 7.0、正式リリース (ZDNet/ロイター)
●candystations ●Compound ●JKP Designs
●Apple's Jaguar Leaps Ahead Of Windows(BusinessWeek) ●Mac OS 9.2 Fulfillment Program' sneaks out(Insanely Great Mac) ●Sleep of Death, LC 520, Netscape 4.8, and More(Low End Mac) ●OS 9.2.2 Boosts Pismo Performance(Mac Opinion) ●The Jaguar Report: What If Your Mac Isn't Ready??(The Mac Night Owl) ●Jaguar Opens Strong, But Can It Save Apple?(NewsFactor) ●Thursby Offers DAVE 4 Public Beta, Offers Jag Comparison(MacCentral) ●Happy Mac' Killed By Jaguar(Wired News) ●It's The Software, Stupid(Low End Mac) ●The Future Of The Linux Desktop... (Freezer Burn) ●The Jagwyre Review(The Register) ●Photoshop Tips: Trashing the Preferences File(creativepro) ●InDesign Tutorial: Designing a distinctive table(Mac Design) ●Photoshop Tutorial: Mac OSX text(Robouk Designs) ● 大日本スクリーン製造、ヒラギノOpenType フォント書体集を発売(ZDNet Mac) ●Photoshop Elements 2へ至る道、現在、そして続く道を担当者に聞く(ZDNet Mac) ●『Tablet PC』、11月7日に日米同時発売 (CNET Japan)
●Apple's Rendezvous: What It Is And Why It Matters(ZDNet) ●Mac OS X 10.2発売直後レビュー(3)インターネット&ネットワーク編(ZDNet Mac) ●ブロードバンドは印刷制作にとっては歓迎だが・・・(JAGAT) ●評価の分かれる『Mozilla 1.1』(CNET Japan) ●アップル、OS X対応「Apple Remote Desktop」を発表 (ZDNet Mac)
●mrhogg ●Neteffects 1 Design ●Shane Devane
●Adobe releases GoLive 6.0.1(MacCentral) ●Mac OS 9.2 Lives, For A Pittance(MacSlash) ●What is prebinding and when does it need to be updated?(Bbum's Rants, Code & Reference) ●More Rejected Switchers (and Other Letters to Apple)(Low End Mac) ●At Apple, It's One Step Forward...(BusinessWeek) ●The Jaguar Report: Is One Partition Enough?(Mac Night Owl) ●Hey Apple, MHz Matters(Low End Mac) ●Supersize IT: From Megabytes to Petabytes(NewsFactor) ●Photoshop Tutorial: Highlighted Chrome(Robouk Designs) ●FileMaker 6 Gets Graphic(BusinessWeek) ●The Creative Toolbox: Surprisingly Agile Photoshop Elements(creativepro) ●Review: Books for Photoshop & Photoshop 7(Applelinks) ●ダイナコムウェア、「DynaFont Type X ATM-CID150」を発売(ZDNet Mac) ●居酒屋「絵夢D」色ばなし:温故知新とNew Morning(新しい夜明け)その二(ZDNet Mac) ●アノト、日本での事業展開に本腰〜単なる“手書き認識”を超えたサービスへ(INTERNET Watch)
●Apple's Jaguar: This Cat Roars(osOpinion) ●Jaguar Leaps Onto Windows Networks(MSNBC) ●GoLive Tutorial: Creating Sticky Buttons in a Component(Mac Design) ●デジクリWebデザインレビュー:Web特有の見せ方、ソニー銀行の「MONEYKit」(ZDNet Mac) ●802.11b互換で都市全体をカバーできる無線LANネットワーク(INTERNET Watch) ●NTTPCが『Air-H"』対応固定IPアドレスサービス開始(CNET Japan) ●スピードネットが東電の『TEPCOひかり』を都内で提供開始(CNET Japan)
●PowerPC G4 Upgrades Direct from Motorola?(Slashdot) ●Jaguar: Fonts(O'Reilly Network) ●Mac OS X 10.2 -- How Fast Is It?(Macs Only!) ●Buy or Hold?(Time) ●Apple may ride Jaguar into mobile computing(Chicago Tribune) ●Review: Mac OS X 10.2 Jaguar(Slashdot) ●JThe Mac is dead... long live the Mac(Independent.co.uk) ●Apple seeds OS X v10.2.1 update, build 6D47(Think Secret) ●The Mac Is Dead... Long Live The Mac(Independent) ●Happy Mac Becomes An Icon Of The Past(New York Times) ●Apple Can't Keep Up With Demand For Newest iMac(USA Today) ●Photoshop Tutorial: Hazy Landscape Walk-through(Robouk Designs) ●週刊ドットブック:第14回 水田に苗を植えるんだ 泥だらけになって(ZDNet Mac) ●『Mac OS X 10.2』は『Windows XP』に対抗できるか(上) (下)(CNET Japan)
●Netscape Communicator 4.8 Mini-Review(Applelinks) ●CodeBitch: We had font, font, font 'til Billy took Verdana aw-a-a-y(MacEdition) ●ファイルメーカーで商用ウェブサイトを構築する:メルマガからウェブサイトへ ZDNet実践編(ZDNet Mac) ●W3C会員サイト、HTML標準に準拠しているのはわずか4.6%(INTERNET Watch)
●Miramax Highlights ●EmergencyRoomSports ●hypnotic records
●In Apple's 'Jaguar,' Upgrades Quick And Mighty(Washington Post) ●Setting Up A Site Server With Jaguar(O'Reilly Network) ●The Little Penguin That Could(Time) ●Jaguar First Impressions(MacSlash) ●Jaguar Special Edition - Installing Jaguar(Applelust.com) ●Jaguar Special Edition - InkWell and Quartz Extreme(Applelust.com) ●Jaguar Special Edition - The New Finder(Applelust.com) ●Jaguar Special Edition - System Preferences in OS X 10.2(Applelust.com) ●Jaguar Special Edition - OS X for Academics(Applelust.com) ●Mac OS X 10.2: Included PPDs and Use of PostScript Printers(AppleCare Knowledge Base) ●Mac OS X 10.2: Classic Requires That You Already Have Mac OS 9(AppleCare Knowledge Base) ●Mac OS X 10.2: Some Classic Components Are Later Than Mac OS 9.2.2(AppleCare Knowledge Base) ●Some Niceties [ updated ](MacsOnly)
●Jaguar Special Edition - Mail and Address Book Reborn(Applelust.com) ●Jaguar Special Edition - Introducing iChat(Applelust.com)
●Mr.Hardar ●geckosamui ●Foot Doctor
●Time Running Out For The 30-Second Commercial(The Times) ●Is Our Children Learning?(Red Herring) ●Hands-On Report: Mac OS X 10.2 Part 2--Niceties & New Preferences(Macs Only!) ●Apple To Unleash Jaguar OS Upgrade(CNET News.com) ●Business Thrust Continues Apple's OS Jag(CNET News.com) ●Jaguar: New Mac Operating System A Well-Stuffed Breed(Seattle Times) ●Apple's Update Takes The Next step(Macworld) ●Apple's Baby Steps Serve Its Market(PC Magazine) ●Mac OS X 10.2 Jaguar(ZDNet) ●Photoshop 7.0.1 update posted(MacMerc) ●進歩を続ける製本技術(JAGAT)
●Is This One Nation, Under Blog?(Wired News) ●US Mac User Spurs Apple Into .Mac Action(MacUser)
●wind is the enemy ●KEEPWALKING.com ●DigitalBoogieDotNet
●Illustrator How-To: Making Editable Compound Objects(creativepro) ●The Jaguar Report: Mac OS 9 Versus Mac OS X(The Mac Night Owl) ●Next Mac OS X Upgrade: Panther(eWeek) ●Resolving Conflicts with Extensions Manager(Applelinks) ●Hands-On Report: Mac OS X 10.2 Part 1--Installation(Macs Only!) ●New PDF Magazine MacBase Released Today(The Mac Observer) ●Best Viewed In(Low End Mac) ●Jaguar--OS X 10.2(Popular Mechanics) ●A Look At Mac OS X 10.2(Inside Mac Games) ●How well does Jaguar run on your Mac?(The Mac Observer) ●Photoshop Tutorial: Wolf Painting walk through(Robouk Designs) ●Mac OS X 10.2を買うべき理由(ZDNet/USA) ●混沌の屋形船 how to:我が家にうるさくて速いジャガー&G4がやってきた(ZDNet Mac) ●Windows 3.0とWIFEフォントの登場─フォント千夜一夜物語(10)(JAGAT)
●BT loses hypertext claim(The Register) ●固定→携帯接続問題で国会質問へ(ZDNet/JAPAN) ●「光」はオトクか〜中小企業の光ファイバー回線導入事例(INTERNET Watch) ●USEN、“BROAD-GATE 01”でMacintoshのサポートを開始(ASCII24) ●Mac de Zope:(4)Zopeに関する走り書き的覚書き(ZDNet Mac) ●特集:悪用は計画的に(ネットランナー)
●woolgather ●Graphixel ●beat 13
●Adobe updates Photoshop 7.0(MacCentral ) ●2GHz IBM Processors(MacRumors) ●New iMac, Old Mac OS(Low End Mac) ●It's Official: MSN is Coming to Mac OS X(The Mac Night Owl) ●Review: Apple's Jaguar is One Cool Cat(BetaNews) ●Mathematica Broadens Appeal(eWEEK) ●QX-Tools Pro The power of the palette comes to QuarkXPress(MacDesign) ●Photoshop Tutorial: The Human Lips(Robouk Designs) ●Under the Desktop: Prospecting for Quartz in Mac OS X(Creative Mac) ●Adobe posts InDesign 2.01 framework update(MacNN) ●牙を剥いたJaguar(ZDNet Mac) ●米コントロン、タブレット型に変身する堅牢ノートPC発表(WIRED NEWS)
●An Ad-Free Web Might Be a Barren Place(Washington Post) ●ポップアップ広告がイヤならMozillaを使え?(ZDNet/USA)
●Trick Digital ●Human Circus ●group94
●The Jaguar Report: The First Wish List for Mac OS X 10.3(The Mac Night Owl) ●Next major OS X update re-named, code-named 'Panther'(Think Secret) ●Switcher's Remorse(Salon ) ●Why Computer Fonts Are So Valuable (The Register) ●Jaguar Shows Its Teeth(MacCentral) ●Real World Tips for QuarkXPress 5: Web Graphics(creativepro) ●QuarkExpress Tutorial: Converting Text into a Picture Box(MacDesign) ●Photoshop Tutorial: The Human Eye(Robouk Designs) ●Creative Mac Reviews: Digital Film Tools Light! 1.0(Creative Mac) ●「2つの頭脳を持つチップ」に取り組むIntel(ZDNet/USA) ●Mac OS X 10.2発売直前レビュー(2)ユーザーインタフェース&アプリ編(ZDNet Mac) ●Mac OS X 10.2発売直前レビュー(1)はじめに(ZDNet Mac)
●X-bytes: Internet utilities, authoring tools(Insanely Great Mac)
●nEW nOOK ●tommoweb ●Zipbamboom
●Apple's Mac Muscles In(Boston Globe) ●The Jaguar Report: Apple Mail is the Best Junk Mail Fighter(The Mac Night Owl) ●Can Apple Deliver on All-in-One Promises?(osOpinion) ●Eovia Releases VectorStyle(Creative Mac) ●Photoshop Tutorial: FloodCard(Robouk Designs) ●AppleTalk(MacSpeedZone) High End Effects on the Macintosh? The Other MHz Myth And The G5 Promise ●アドビ、Adobe PDF研究会 一般公開セミナーを実施(ZDNet Mac) ●ユーザーの満足度が語るYahoo!とGoogleの快適さ……Dellを追うAppleに勢い(MYCOM PC WEB)
●デジクリWebデザイン研究室:フォームオブジェクトのメモランダム(ZDNet Mac) ●ウェブ技術の先駆者2人が次世代インターネット構想を語る(WIRED NEWS) ●弱小サイトを襲うゴジラ(CNET Japan) ●ノートパソコンの大きな様変わりはもうすぐ(CNET Japan)
●mindthegap ●DESIGNDAMAGE ●Backside180
●'iPhone' on Apple's horizon?(MacCentral) ●Apple iPhone Rumors Resurface(Slashdot) ●Apple iPhone Rumors/Speculation(MacRumors) ●Testing Jaguar Final Release on a PowerBook Wallstreet(MacOSXRumors) ●Retail version of 10.2 is build 6C115a, but no code changes(Think Secret) ●Photoshop Tutorial: Polygan Crystals(Robouk Designs) ●Cult Of The Mac - Is Anyone Switching?(NewsFactor) ●Mac OS X 10.2: How Apple Got It Right... Again!(ZDNet) ●Why Less Is More For Apple's New Power Macs(ZDNet) ●Createive Mac Tutorials: After Effects and Photoshop(Creative Mac) ●Mac OS X 10.2の新ライセンスプランは「正しき姿」なり(ZDNet/USA) ●居酒屋「絵夢D」色ばなし:雑誌広告印刷セミナー/JMPAカラー実証実験結果リポート(ZDNet Mac)
●WebDesign gets new menu items(MacCentral) ●Let Users Control Font Size(Useit.com) ●Haxial announces new Haxial RemoteAdminTool(MacMerc) ●PCスクランブル 第8回 執筆=PC Creation 転ばぬ先の杖! パソコンの雷対策(MYCOM PC WEB)
●DesignfishStudio ●com-cept web design ●avatar
●Apple and the Great Mac OS 9 Conspiracy(Mac Night Owl) ●Mac OS X Reader Reports: Jaguar Part VIII(MacInTouch) ●James Coates: Apple's iMac A Work Of Art, But So Is Profile 4 (Chicago Tribune) ●What is an "Easter Egg"?(eeggs.com) ●アップル、デュアルプロセッサー版『Power Mac G4』の説明会を開催(ASCII24) ●システムアーキテクチャと内部構造を一新したPowerMac G4(PC Watch)Mac OS X 10.2を搭載
●Netscape Communicator 4.8 Released(MacNN) ●MS Internet Explorer: Part III(MacInTouch)
●Adobe Illustrator 10 体験版(アドビ)●Adobe Illustrator 10.0.1 update(Adobe) ●Checkman AI Plug オーバープリント選択 1.0(新らし物好きのダウンロード) ●Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0.5 日本語版 ●SVG Viewer 3J ●AdobePS 8.8J(Adobe) ●「もじくみかなSH版」(スタジオ・ポット)「もじくみ仮名」(日本語の文字と組版を考える会)
●Deep Green Robots ●MYAGI ●MTV Karaoke Challeng
●Apple doesn't slam the door on OS 9 ... yet (MacCentral ) ●Apple OS 9: Buried Alive?(osOpinion) ●Microsoft Unit Bungles Details On Its OS X Applications(Seattle Times) ●OS X Jaguar Review - buy it. learn it. love it.(RagingApathy) ●The New Power Macs: Dual-Processor Computing for the Rest of Us(Applelust.com) ●History of the Apple Logo(Slashdot) ●iBooks And TiBooks And MyBooks(O'Reilly Network) ●Switching Is Not So Simple(CNET)
●Netscape Communicator 4.8 Released(MacNN) ●モバイルとeBook:安全圏での静かな船出(JAGAT)
●ciberarte ●Dustinland ●hyperQUAKE
●Migrate To OS X 10.2 With A Clean Install(Macworld) ●Rethinking The Macintosh(New Architect) ●More Problematic Years Ahead(Jordan Times) ●Counting The Cost(MacUser) ●I Have A Dream(Techweb) ●Maybe A Very Smart Move(Slashdot) ●Macworld Review: Mac OS X 10.2 "Jaguar" (MacCentral ) ●PageMaker How-To: Creating a Graphics Portfolio(creativepro) ●Mac OS X Superguide(CNET.com) ●Reindeer Graphics Optipix 1.0(Creative Mac) ●Photoshop Tutorial: Tentacle Tubes(Robouk Designs) ●アップル、国内でも新Power Mac G4、SuperDrive eMacを披露(ZDNet Mac) ●この迫力は羨ましすぎる! 17インチiMacレビュー(ZDNet Mac)
●Non-profit organizations get free Web hosting via Macs(MacCentral ) ●02年2Q世界家庭インターネットユーザー数は5億5300万人(CNET Japan)
●Matetrava ●syrup ●Moods
●The Soul Of The New Macs(eWeek) ●WSJ: Apple To Introduce $200 Family Pricing(MacNN) ●Arrogance, Thy Name Is Microsoft(BusinessWeek) ●Apple's Wider iMac Screen, Jaguar System Are Big Steps(Wall Street Journal) ●The DDR, Frontside Bus and System Bus Debate: An Explanation(RAILhead Design) ●How Much Should Jaguar Cost? How Much Is a Customer Worth?(Mac Observer) ●More on the History of Apple's Command Key(Low End Mac) ●Perhaps it's time to 'Think Different' Steve(MacNETv2) ●Photoshop Tutorial: Gradient Buttons(Robouk Designs) ●Software Update Tribulations(MacSlash) ●I Love Mac OS X, But I Just Want a Working Scanner(The Mac Night Owl) ●X Marks The Spots(Sydney Morning Herald ) ●The Mac Vs. PC Debate(San Jose Mercury News) ●What's Important To Look For When Gauging PC Speed(San Jose Mercury News) ●Create and Collaborate: Adobe DesignTeam Brings Project Management Online(creativepro) ●モリサワ、InDesign用面付けプラグイン「SheetWorker for InDesign」を発表(ZDNet Mac) ●デュアルプロセッサは“賢明な決断” - アナリストとApple担当者に聞く(ZDNet Mac)
●Net Surfers Are Getting The Message: Pay Up(Seattle Post-Intelligencer) ●Microsoft.NETとは(JAGAT)
●shoot2thrill ●JWA Christmas 2001 ●2VOLT A.D.