●event & seminar
●「新聞広告デジタル制作・送稿ガイド Ver1.0」PDF(日本広告業協会) ●ヒラギノOpenType情報 Webサイトで公表(大日本スクリーン)
●Mac OS X Upgrade Sheds Mac OS 9 Disk(eWEEK) ●Apple begins shipping some 10.2 pre-orders(Think Secret) ●Mac OS 9 CD to miss Jaguar, new Macs(Global Mac News) ●New Apple Hardware: Imagine a Unix Workstation for $1,699(Mac Night Owl) ●Adobe InDesign 2.0: Some interesting new features(Mac Design) ●Creating an Aged Photograph in Photoshop(Creative Mac) ●Photoshop tutorial: Micro Buttons V2(Robuk Designs) ●PowerMacs, eMac, iMac Rumor Wrapup(MacRumors) ●Arrogance, Thy Name Is Microsoft(BusinessWeek) ●Apple's Newest Power Macs Sport A New Look--But The Real Change Is Inside(Macworld) ●HyperCard: What Could Have Been(Wired News) ●HyperCard Forgotten, But Not Gone(Wired News) ●Two Macs Can Share One Apple Display With ADC Switcher(MacCentral) ●Real World Tips for QuarkXPress 5: Web Colors(creativepro) ●Phooey to this GUI! How to spruce up Windows, OS 9(ZDNet Downloads)
●Mac Man: Home work" [Remote Desktop Connection Client for Mac] (Sydney Morning Herald) ●Bluetooth On Mac OS X(O'Reilly Network)
●soft ware
●Adobe Illustrator 10 体験版(アドビ)●Adobe Illustrator 10.0.1 update(Adobe) ●Checkman AI Plug オーバープリント選択 1.0(新らし物好きのダウンロード) ●Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0.5 日本語版 ●SVG Viewer 3J ●AdobePS 8.8J(Adobe) ●「もじくみかなSH版」(スタジオ・ポット)「もじくみ仮名」(日本語の文字と組版を考える会)
●cool site
●Oculart ●ccda ●BOSS US
●Adobe GoLive6.0 アドビ・ゴーライブ教室6.0 Windows&Macintosh(インプレス)
●Illustrator 10.・Photoshop 7 のエイリアスにドロップしたファイルが消える
●Analyst: Dual processors a 'smart move'(MacCentral) ● Photoshop plug-in gives images "dreamy look(MacNN) ●Looking for a decent font manager?(AltiM@c) ●Animating Adobe Illustrator Graphics(Creative Mac) ●New Compression Software: Zip It Good(PC World) ●Classic moves closer to the grave(Insanely Great Mac) ●Apple goes SMP for all pro-Macs(The Register) ●No OS 9 CD With 10.2 Or New Macs(Macworld UK) ●Jaguar, New Macs Will Not Include Mac OS 9 CD(MacNN) ●Draw On It: Corel's Latest Graphics Suite Packs Powerful Punch(creativepro) ●Discovery Of Microsoft Accounting Irregularity Reveals Apple Has 95% Of Market(Crazy Apple Rumors)
●最大12MbpsのADSL接続サービスが続々登場 〜対応ISP一覧(INTERNET Watch) ●ヤフー、Yahoo! BBでの12Mbps ADSLサービスを正式運用開始(ASCII24)
●gasjeans ●ME - Mark Eijsermans ●MK12
●New Power Mac G4 systems to be unveiled tomorrow with speeds up to 1.25GHz(MacMinute) ●Apple to announce updated Power Macs Tuesday(Think Secret) ●New G4s to arrive tomorrow(Insanely Great Mac) ●アドビ日本法人新社長の石井幹氏に聞く(ASCII24) ――PDF、アクセリオ製品を武器にエンタープライズ部門を強化 ●Jaguar: Boxed and Ready to Roll(Insanely Great Mac) ●10.2 'Jaguar' shipping to resellers(Think Secret) ●Is Apple A Company You Can Trust?(The Mac Observer) ●Premiere 6.5, Elements 2.0 now shipping(MacCentral) ●The history of the Apple logo(Macnyt) ●IBM、Power4の血脈を継ぐデスクトップ用チップを計画(DNet/USA) ●モリサワOpenTypeフォントのセカンドリリース、店頭発売は9月2日から(ZDNet Mac) ●2002-2003機材インデックス 文字組・版下作成(JAGAT)
●AOL Upgrade Brings Netscape To Mac(ZDNet) ●ポップアップ広告に吹き始めた逆風(ZDNet/USA)
●Tally Weijl Paris ●SYNCProdz ●Orange Connection
●How Does The Pentium 4 And Athlon XP Running Windows XP Compare To The G4 Power Macintosh Running OS X? by rob-ART(Bare Feats) ●Solo 1GHz Xserve Versus Dual 1GHz Xserve Versus Dual 1GHz Power Mac(Bare Feats) ●Poll &Amp; Article: ''Apple Using IBM's New Power4 Offspring Chip'' (MacMerc.com) ●IBM Power4 PPC AltiVec(MacRumors) ●CNET recommends products for 'switchers' (MacCentral) ●Ageing in Photoshop(Computer Arts) ●Simulating Atmospheric Volume in Photoshop(Digital Media Designer) ●namesuppressed design has some cool and inexpensive plug-ins
●Macworld Review: Apple Remote Desktop(Macworld) ●Bフレッツで建築パースの伝送構築(JAGAT)
●Dezigner ●bp.underground.hu ●Creature Arts
●We Are Hanging Here...(Applelust.com) ●A Sneak Peak at Jaguar(Artificial Cheese) ●Homemade Dot-Mac With OS X(O'Reilly Network) ●Apple Disc Recording Update 1.3.5(Mac Net Journal) ●IBM lays desktop PowerPC on Cupertino lawn(The Register) ●IBM Woos Apple With New, Powerful PPC(The Mac Observer) ●IBM、Power4ベースのデスクトップ用チップ発表へ(ZDNet/USA) ●PhotoSpray Graphic Filter Now Shipping From Human Software(The Mac Observer)
●My name is Ms. Duh, and I'm a macmac...(RandomMaccess) ●Why ads on the net don't work(BBC) ●Home Work(Sydney Morning Herald) ●Apple Remote Desktop(Macworld)
●Mechanical Mind ●Palaxy Tracks ●Autonoma Screens
●Third-party Jaguar 10.2 incompatibilities (list)(Think Secret) ●If Macs Get Real POWER, Who Needs a Hammer?(OSnews) ●Rethinking Jaguar(Mac Opinion) ●When It Comes to Macs: Consumer Reports Still Doesn't Get It(Mac Night Owl) ●21st Century Technology Wars: Apple Vs. Microsoft(NewsFactor) ●RetroMac Special: a Look Back at 9(MacMerc) ●IBM woos Apple with PowerPC 'on steroids'(Silicon) ●Will Apple Put Intel Inside? (Forbes) ●Acrobat How-To: Compression Session(creativepro) ●週刊ドットブック:離れて遠くなろうとも……もつべきものは友達か(ZDNet Mac) ●eMacを実際に使ってみる(ZDNet Mac) ●Mac OS漢字Talk 7.1とTrueTypeの登場─フォント千夜一夜物語(9)(JAGAT) ●図書館も書物も不用、ペーパーレス大学への試み(上) (下)(MYCOM PC WEB)
●Yahoo! BB、約78万回線に(ZDNet/JAPAN)
●ssdesigninteractive ●ITCAT MEDIA ●Hanksta
●Consumers Unhappy With PC Support(CNET News.com) ●IBM Lays Desktop PowerPC On Cupertino Lawn(The Register) ●IBM Says 64-Bit PC Chip in Works(eWEEK) ●IBM to intro 64-bit PowerPC for desktop: Hi Apple!(The Inquirer) ●New IBM PowerPC chip with vector processing(MacNN) ●One speaks again of G5 from IBM(Google French-to-English Beta) ●Rethinking Jaguar(MacOpinion) ●Silly Idea Department's Last (?) Word on 'MacIntels'(Applelinks) ●Apple on Non-PPC: A Rumor Perspective(Mac Rumors) ●Ready To Switch? Get The Right Gear For Your New Apple Life(CNET) ●Hands On With The eMac(MacCentral ) ●Intel Inside A Mac? Just Wait(ZDNet) ●もしMicrosoftがMacサポートを中止したらどうなるか?(ZDNet Mac) ●マスターのつぶやき:UCRとGCRの違い(ZDNet Mac) ●メルコ、電源要らずのバスパワー駆動ポータブルHDDを発表 - USB2.0対応(MYCOM PC WEB)
●気軽に使える無線LAN - 無料のアクセスポイントを活用しよう(1) (2) (3) (MYCOM PC WEB) ●ADSLはもっと速くなる!(ヤフーBBマガジン) ●12Mbps ADSL、続々と受け付け開始(ZDNet/JAPAN)
●kroniq ●the publictoilet ●OperationB
●Apple to give away FireWire software(CNET News.com) ●Poll: 77% say 10.2 too pricey(Macworld UK) ●RandomMaccess's first look at Jaguar: a purr-fectly wonderful upgrade(RandomMaccess) ●Intel Inside? Not Likely.(MacEdition) ●RollerMouse Keeps Both Hands Close To The Keyboard(Cox News Service) ●Sapphire Releases 100+ New Photoshop Brushes(MacNN) ●Real World Tips for QuarkXPress 5: Ready for Output(creativepro) ●Appleが“Intel”を採用する可能性は確かに高い(ZDNet/USA) ●新世界を拓く『Cell』チップ(上) (下)(CNET Japan) ●21世紀、ハイテクが人類の未来を変える(CNET Japan)
●デジクリWebデザイン研究室:Webデザインのジャンク箱・3(ZDNet Mac)
●Quark commits to Mac OS X... we were beginning to wonder(MacMerc) ●New Yankee Group Report Says Outlook for Alternatives to Windows Desktop Operating System Is Healthy and Growing(Business Wire) ●Up to speed with Quartz Extreme(Insanely Great Mac) ●Scott Kelby’s First Software Release Gives How-To on Top 100 Photoshop Questions(MacMerc) ●Apple's Siggraph 2002 Presentation on Quartz Extreme(Macs Only!) ●Another look at Yellow Dog Linux(Low End Mac) ●Report: Windows alternatives sought as confidence drops(MacCentral) ●Anything but Windoze(Insanely Great Mac) ●Sun kills StarOffice rumours(Macworld UK) ●Adobe ships Photoshop Elements 2.0(MacNN) ●Quark's Expo Exit 'No Mac Slight' (Macworld UK) ●ロジクール、実はMac OS X対応してました(ZDNet Mac) ●CPUとのパフォーマンス・ギャップを解消する高速メモリ(WIRED NEWS)
●特集:Javaスクリプトの禁じ手・奥の手(PCJapan) ●シンビアンOS対応の『アクロバット・リーダー』(WIRED NEWS)
●これがラッセル・ブラウンのPhotoshopスーパーテクニックだ!(ZDNet Mac) アドビが「Adobe Photoshop World 2002」を開催(後編その2) ●Adobe Delivers Acrobat Reader and Adobe PDF for Leading Mobile Phone Platform(Adobe) ●Save $69! Why new 'Photoshop Lite' isn't worth it(ZDNet AnchorDesk) ●XPress Moving to Mac OS X(eWEEK) ●PC-compatible MacOS comes at a price(The Register) ●How Apple is worming its way into corporate IT(ZDNet AnchorDesk) ●Inside iCal: A visual preview, part one(Think Secret) ●Analyst predicts Apple-Intel link(ZDNet UK ) ●Open Letter To Apple About Jaguar(O'Reilly Network) ●週刊ドットブック:何でもやってみるもんだ そして経験や失敗をみんなに伝えていく(ZDNet Mac) ●居酒屋「絵夢D」色ばなし:デジカメのプロファイルが作りたい(ZDNet Mac) ●企画デザインの要件としてのUD(JAGAT)
●GoLive 6.0(MacAddict) ●米で発売間近、Hiptopに「ヒットの予感」(ZDNet/USA) ●モリサワ、Webサーバ用プラグイン「タイポグラフィ ゲート」を発表(ZDNet Mac) ●Flashユーザーの生の声をMacromediaに提言する「FLASH MX目安箱」(ZDNet Mac)
●frismedia.nl ●Ruchira Asnani ●spleen.at.skim.com
●ZDNet: New PowerBook a Success(MacSlash) ●Mac OS X: Is Apple Ready to Ditch Dual Booting?(Mac Night Owl) ●Photoshop Compositing: Water Effects(Creative Mac) ●You say potato - the business of cross-cultural publishing(planetpublish) ●Disable font smoothing for Word V.x speed increase(Mac OS X Hints) ●Apple PDA - 2 Mo?(MacRumors)
●Gigabit Ethernet shipments to pick up speed, analysts say(MacCentral )
●The Others Guestbook ●Star Dot Sketch ●X:0 Y:0
●AppleはIntelチップに移行する――米アナリスト予測(ZDNet/USA) ●Apple to move to Intel? Analyst says yes(MacCentral) ●Analyst: Apple To Lie Down With Intel by Michael Kanellos(ZDNet ) ●Analyst: Apple To Switch To X86 In 2-4 Years(MacNN) ●Why I Haven’t Switched to Mac OS X(ATPM) ●I will miss you, OS 9...(United Mac)
●Apple Releases August Security Update(MacCentral ) ●New HTML Editor Released From Taco Software(The Mac Observer)
●JoeLinner ●Home of the future ●LammbockHanfplantage
●これがラッセル・ブラウンのPhotoshopスーパーテクニックだ!(ZDNet Mac)4page アドビが「Adobe Photoshop World 2002」を開催(後編その1) ●Jaguar: Time To Stop Pussyfooting Around(O'Reilly Network) ●Apple To Slam Lid On Mac OS 9(eWeek) ●Quark Snubs Euro Apple Expo(Macworld UK) ●QuarkXPress How-To Working with the Be'zier and Freehand Tools (creativepro) ●Jaguar 6C115: Final Candidate, Not Gold Master(MacRumors) ●Segments: Slices from the Macintosh Life: Why I Haven't Switched to Mac OS X(ATPM) ●Review: Photoshop Elements 2.0(MacUser) ●Photoshop Tutorial: LCD Orbs(Robuk Designs) ●Canvas Tutorial: Making a Flat Screw Top(Deneba) ●Is Apple Really Responsible for Low Office Sales?(Mac Night Owl) ●【コラム】OS Xハッキング! これでResEditいらず? (3)(MYCOM PC WEB) ●『OpenOffice 1.0.1』日本語版を公開(CNET Japan)
●Faster Internet Access for Mac Users(Low End Mac) ●無線LANスポット、2006年に1000万人が利用可能に ECR調査(ZDNet/JAPAN) ●スカパー、ブロードバンドコンテンツ配信「スカパー!BB」を本格開始(INTERNET Watch)
●ekstrak ●totallyradio ●Absolu.info
●Apple cuts iMac prices in U.K.(CNET News.com) ●QuarkXPress for Mac OS X by January?(MacCentral) ●Quark Tones Enterprise Offerings(eWEEK) ●Jaguar: Time To Stop Pussyfooting Around(O'Reilly Network) ●Apple Unveils Shader Language, QE APIs (The Register) ●Quartz Extreme PDF From Siggraph(MacSlash) ●Quartz Anti-Aliasing: Jaggies Be Gone! But At What Price? (MacEdition) ●Apple, Adobe execs to keynote Seybold(MacCentral) ●Apple, Adobe Headline Acts at Seybold(Insanely Great Mac) ●Phasing out OS 9, Here Comes Jaguar(MacRumors) ●Photoshop Compositing: Water Effects(Creative Mac) ●Photoshop Tutorial: Metal Type(Robuk Designs) ●Canvas Tutorial: Create Water Droplets(Deneba) ●Quartz Anti-Aliasing: Jaggies Be Gone! But At What Price?(MacEdition) ●CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 11 Now Available (MacNN) ●カラマネ本の決定打、MD研究会編カラマネルールブック(仮称)発刊迫る(ZDNet Mac) ●まるでCD-ROMドライブ! 超小型PC「SUMICOM」の実力やいかに?(1) (2)(MYCOM PC WEB) ●シーグラフの『未来技術展覧会』に見る「人間と機械の相互作用(WIRED NEWS)
●Helping you to use colour effectively: August Issue of Web Page Design for Designers ●Mini Review: Adobe LiveMotion 2.0(Web Page Design for Designers) ●ColourWays: Colour schemes by accident(Web Page Design for Designers) ●Web Page Color Scheming using your photos(Web Page Design for Designers) ●エキサイト、月額500円からの光・ASDL接続サービス開始へ(MYCOM PC WEB) ●Mac OS X版Windowsターミナル・クライアントを無償公開 (CNET Japan)
●Sean Muir ●incisionstudio ●Fonce Architecture
●With Jaguar in the wings, Apple plugs Maintenance Program(MacMinute) ●10.2 "Jaguar" gold master targeted for Friday(Think Secret) ●Adobe Photoshop Tip: Faux Jaguar Fur Type(MacMerc) ●Mac OS X Reader Reports: Jaguar Part V(MacInTouch) ●Photoshop Tutorial: Waving Flags(Robuk Designs) ●CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 11(MacUser) ●Canvas Tutorial: Adding Paper Clips and Pushpins to your Project(Deneba) ●Mac OS X: You Mean You Never Heard of Jaguar?(The Mac Night Owl) ●Real World Tips for QuarkXPress 5: Playing with Color(creativepro) ●アスキーソリューションズ、Mac用ファイルコンバーター&ビューアーソフト『VINC』を発売(ASCII24) ●グリッド・コンピューティングの爆発的普及は目前か:盛況の第5回GGF(下)(WIRED NEWS)
●Dissecting .Mac(O'Reilly Network) ●FireWorks Tutorial: Creating a FW MX Command With Zero Programming(FWZone) ●Mac de Zope:(3) これがZope流「ダイナミックWebサイト」だ(ZDNet Mac)
●xperimental.forms ●Teknision ●last christmas