●event & seminar
●「新聞広告デジタル制作・送稿ガイド Ver1.0」PDF(日本広告業協会) ●ヒラギノOpenType情報 Webサイトで公表(大日本スクリーン)
●What We're Doing When We Blog(O'Reilly Network) ●Adobe Warning Bodes Ill for PC Industry Recovery(Insanely Great Mac) ●The Future of the Mac: Does Apple's 'Real People' Campaign Go Far Enough?(The Mac Night Owl) ●Freeloader Friday: Accessorizing Entourag(MacMerc) ●Adobe Builds On Last Quarter(ZDNet) ●Pagemaker How-To: Simplify Layout Tasks with Templates(creativepro)
●LiveMotion 2.0(Macworld) ●Andreessen Interview: Browser wars aren't coming back(MacCentral ) ●Macromedia Flash MX(Mac Design) ●Reviews: Netscape 7.0 PR1(MacUser) ●アッカ、S=1/2技術でADSLサービスを10Mbpsに高速化(ASCII24)
●soft ware
●Adobe Illustrator 10 体験版(アドビ)●Adobe Illustrator 10.0.1 update(Adobe) ●Netscape 7.0 PR1 for OS X 日本語版 (E)直 OS 9 日本語版 (E)直(新らし物好きのダウンロード) ●Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0.5 日本語版 ●SVG Viewer 3J ●AdobePS 8.8J(Adobe) ●「もじくみかなSH版」(スタジオ・ポット)「もじくみ仮名」(日本語の文字と組版を考える会)
●cool site
●Strategic Competitor ●AN3A ●Billabong Odyssey
●Professional DTP(工学社)●MdN (MdN)
●Illustrator 10.・Photoshop 7 のエイリアスにドロップしたファイルが消える
●Sapphire updates Illustrator plugins for OS X(MacNN) ●Ten Tips for More Efficient Mac Use(Low End Mac) ●How Our OS X Rollout Was Hamstrung(O'Reilly Network) ●Rumor: Jaguar To Roar In Early?(Insanely Great Mac) ●Mac OS X: Print Center Needs Work(The Mac Night Owl) ●Dr. Mac's Drop Shadows - Not a drag with Photoshop 7 On Mac OS X.(OSXFAQ) ●Review: Photoshop 7.0(Low End Mac) ●For Position Only: Digital Printing's Unfulfilled Promise(creativepro) ●マスターのつぶやき:ロシアにも勝つ日本で標準規格が出来ないことはありません(ZDNet Mac) ●夏に登場するCorelDRAW Graphics Suite 11(ZDNet Mac) ●さまようワープロの亡霊(JAGAT)
●Adobe GoLive - 6.0sp1(versiontracker) ●Macworld Review: Adobe LiveMotion 2.0 (Think Secret) ●bモバイルの各種機能をまとめて管理「bアクセス」(ZDNet/JAPAN) ●NTT西日本の「フレッツ・スポット」、月額800円で7月より提供(INTERNET Watch) ●4万kmに及ぶ光ファイバー網が強みのケイ・オプティコム/関西電力(INTERNET Watch)
●Modify Me ●Amon Tobin ●Artcoup
●Apple, Tablet PCs, and Remote Display Devices(The Idea Basket) ●Adobe InDesign 2.0(MacDesign) ●Is the Mac OS X 10.1.5 Update Too Buggy?(The Mac Night Owl) ●Motorola to ship MRAM in 2003(Macworld UK) ●Real World Tips for QuarkXPress 5: Working with Layers(creativepro) ●友達同士なら2、3パーセントのシェアは問題ないとJobs氏(ZDNet Mac) ●Mac OS XでDTPしよう! 〜アップルプレスセミナーレポート〜(ZDNet Mac)
●Sources confirm Internet Explorer 6 for Mac(Think Secret) ●米で登場間近の「Hiptop」、成否のカギはキャリアが握る?(ZDNet/USA) ●特集:ブロードバンドルータ導入ガイド(Yahoo! Internet Guide) ●ブラウザー「Mozilla 1.1」α版がリリース(INTERNET Watch)PDFベースの画面表示機能「Quartz」に対応
●Flashguru ●Superswede ●John Frieda
●Transparency in Adobe InDesign: Customizing transparency flattener styles(Creative Mac) ●Apple Provides Developers with Mac OS X Server 'Jaguar'(SlapTech) ●Poll: 49% say OS 9 clings on(Macworld UK) ●Photoshop In Mac OS X - It's not just for graphics geeks anymore...(OSXFAQ ) ●Mac OS X: Repeating Installation Mistakes of the Past(The Mac Night Owl) ●Mount SMB shares from the command line(Mac OS X Hints) ●Carbonisation(AquaticMac)●Why Mac OS X Applications?(AquaticMac) ●もはや釈迦に説法をしないAppleの新しい広告(ZDNet Mac) ●米IBMの新技術、切手1枚分の大きさに約2,500万ページの書籍データ記録が可能に(MYCOM PC WEB) ●サッカーW杯:コンピューターはフランス敗退を予測していた?(WIRED NEWS) ●IBM、90nmテクノロジーを発表 - 新技術「ボルテージ・アイランド」採用(MYCOM PC WEB) ●メディアビジネスの今後(JAGAT)
●Microsoft: Internet Explorer development ongoing(MacCentral) ●The Creative Toolbox For Flash, MX Means Most eXcellent(creativepro) ●デジクリWebデザインレビュー:本当に「基本に忠実」に作ったお手本サイト、カシオ(ZDNet Mac)
●Game On ●Chunk ●Orisinal
●QuarkXPress- No Wow! to be had(MacMerc) ●Adobe Photoshop 7 - Made for OS X(Mac-Nut) ●Extensis updates plugins to support Photoshop 7 (MacCentral) ●LaserWriter Manuals(AppleCare Knowledge Base) ●More on the OS 9.x 'Sleep of Death' Bug(Low End Mac) ●dot-font The "X" Appeal of James Montalbano(creativepro) ●Apple、新広告キャンペーン「Real People」立ち上げへ(ZDNet/USA) ●なかなかいいぞ! 恥はかいてもビジネスを優先したApple(ZDNet/USA) ●居酒屋「絵夢D」色ばなし:Jp2002におけるCMSの新しい動き(ZDNet Mac) ●米Connectix、『Virtual PC for Mac 5 with Windows XP Home』を発売(ASCII24) ●PDFによる文書管理−ペーパーレスに向かう電子帳票システム(JAGAT)
●毎日新聞、PDF形式の電子新聞“毎日フォトジャーナル”を有料配信(ASCII24) ●特集:ADSLスキルアップQ&A(ヤフーBBマガジン ●Here Comes the Bride -- Getting Hitched to Bluetooth(Network Computing) ●Profiles in Networking: The Compact Macs(ATPM) ●Review: Web Watch 1.0(ATPM)
●Titoonic ●Flash MX Pro ●Liquid Pixels
●Hands on with Adobe InDesign 2.0(MacCentral) ●Inside Jaguar: Miscellaneous items(Think Secret) ●Perspective Text(Planet Photoshop) ●Photoshop 7's Brushes Palette: Shape Dynamics and Scattering(Planet Photoshop) ●These Photoshop Plug-In's ROC and SHO(Planet Photoshop) ●Manipulating Style Elements(Planet Photoshop) ●Manipulating Style Elements(Planet Photoshop) ●字種/フォント増加と需要の謎(JAGAT)
●Cocoa Crush: Mac-Only OmniWeb 5.0 Due in 2003(Planet Publish) ●We Review Macromedia's Frash MX (Macworld )
●Andreas K舁lbom ●Fran輟is Romain ●Sym-Music
●Hands on with Adobe InDesign 2.0(MacCentral) ●Help With Switching To Macintosh(MacSlash) ●Adobe Asia Pacific drops new bundles(Planet Publish) ●The Death of Proofreading(Planet Publish) ●eMac for the masses is a good thing(MacVillage.net) ●Acrobat aimed at corporations(Macworld UK) ●プッシュメディアとしての紙媒体の効果(JAGAT)
●Macromedia meets Dr Usability(Planet Publish) ●Sausage Software releases HotDog Pro 6(Planet Publish) ●Nokia Communicator gets the Flash Player(Planet Publish)
●Hey Babiriba ●Stormsky ●Refresh 2002
●Mac OS X: I'll Take My Text Smooth(The Mac Night Owl) ●Apple Peel: Hitting a Wall with Microsoft(Applelust.com) ●You Can't Jump a Chasm in Two Bounds(Applelust.com) ●The Creative Type: Making Headline Graphics in InDesign(creativepro) ●週刊ドットブック:第6回 利益への考えが人のすべてを指図する。ご褒美はこと成るのちに(ZDNet Mac) ●米イー・インクが厚さ0.3ミリの電子ペーパーを開発(WIRED NEWS) ●フォント戦争の幕開け(1)─フォント千夜一夜物語(5)(JAGAT)
●Which Browser Is The Right One For You?(The Mac Observer) ●W3C、Webサービス利用シナリオのドラフトをリリース(ZDNet/USA) ●「次に重要となる技術はMPEG-4だ」――Steve Jobs氏インタビュー(ZDNet/USA)
●Sakamoto ●Eva y Ad疣 ●Daniel K舁lbom
●ToTheTrash! the Macintosh Trash Manager Launched(MacMerc) ●Photoshop 6 - For the Web(MacMerc) ●Preview Release of Portfolio 6 for Mac OS X for Beta Users(MacMerc) ●PC's in Apple Stores/Jobs and OQO/NVidia Killer(MacRumors) ●Apple: Windows Users, Come See Us! (ZDNet) ●Downloading With A Mac In A Windows World(osOpinion) ●Microsoft developing project manager for Mac Office(Think Secret) ●Dreamweaver MX: don't upgrade to OS X 10.1.5(MacNN) ●Hey, Mac fans! Here are 3 top downloads just for you(ZDNet AnchorDesk) ●Under the Desktop Spring (or Summertime) Cleaning Blues(creativepro) ●Alien Skin Splat! Filter effects for Adobe Photoshop(Creative Mac) ●New dialog boxes in OS X have a different look to them(San Francisco Chronicle) ●製品に少しでも確信犯的な匂いがすると途端に「みんな大好き」になってしまう私(ZDNet Mac) ●小売eMacは賢明な策、とアナリスト(ZDNet Mac)
●Mozilla Impresses From All Angles(eWEEK) ●Mozilla 1.0、満を持しての正式リリース(ZDNet/USA) ●特集:常時接続裏マニュアル(PCJapan) ●「Mozilla 1.0」ついにリリース〜プロジェクト発足から4年4ヶ月(INTERNET Watch) ●オープンソースのブラウザー『モジラ1.0』リリース(WIRED NEWS)
●Fresh Cotton ●Pegball ●Urban Love
●New LCD monitor resolves over 100 pixels per inch (MacCentral) ●When Compositing Gets Hairy(Creative Mac) ●Quick Tip: Layers in Adobe PageMaker(Digital Media Designer) ●Silk 'haxie' smooths Carbon apps' text in 10.1.5(MacCentral) ●Real World Tips for QuarkXPress 5: Boxes and Backgrounds(creativepro) ●Mac OS X Reader Reports: 10.1.5 Part I(MacInTouch) ●10.1.5 Corrects Beige G3/Radeon Incompatibility(obzorg.org) ●COMPUTEXで各社展示のMira、普及のカギは価格(ロイター) ●Mac OS X 10.1.5がソフトウェア・アップデートで公開(ZDNet Mac)
●Mozilla 1.0 released(MacCentral) ●iCab updated to version 2.8(MacCentral) ●Upping the Ante Adobe GoLive 6(Digital WebCast) ●AppleのMPEG-4論争、決着の前兆(ZDNet/USA)
●The Brain Box ●Inertia ●Decibel Dragon
●Apple releases Mac OS X 10.1.5(MacCentral) ●Apple releases 10.1.5 revision for Mac OS X(MacNN) ●Company To Release Palm-Sized Fully Functional Computer Reportedly Rejected By Steve Jobs(The Mac Observer) ●Review: eMac (MacUser) ●Tiffany3 Professional 3.5(Macworld) ●Use Preview on Photoshop files(Mac OS X Hints) ●Come to Order: FrameMaker 7 Gives Structure to Documents(creativepro) ●COMPUTEX TAIPEI 2002会場レポート:Tablet PCとMiraに注目が集まる(PC Watch) ●インテル、手書き文字認識ソフトを開発中(CNET Japan) ●アップル、『eMac』を国内コンシューマー向けに販売(CNET Japan) ●ITは一日にしてならず。次段階への移行も同様に…(JAGAT)
●Flash批判派のJakob Nielsen氏がMacromediaと契約、Flash推進へ(ZDNet/USA) ●ウェブユーザビリティを改善するMacromediaとNielsen(ZDNet Mac) ●Apple、QuickTime 6 Public Previewを無償ダウンロード開始(ZDNet Mac) ●デジクリWebデザイン研究室:テーブルの魅力と罠(ZDNet Mac) ● パソコン実験室:無線LANの電波はどこまで届く?(PCLife)
●Tim Platt ●Vectorpark ●Evil Pupil
●Typo or Revelation? UPDATED(MacMerc) ●Mac OS X 10.1.5 Release Imminent(AquaticMac.com) ●OS X 10.1.5 Today ノ? (RAILhead Design) ●Office X Update, and Messanger 3.0(MacRumors) ●Apple OS X Design Values From Adobe(MacDirectory) ●Voice Commander 1.0 debuts (MacCentral) ●Review: PhotoRetouch Pro 1.0(Macworld) ●Guides: Free and Easy PDF Document Creation With OS X (OSXGuide.com) ●Portable Showdown: Notebook PCs Vs. Apple's iBook/PowerBook (NewsFactor) ●Microsoft Polishes Office For Apple(CNET News.com) ●Apple And IBM Unleash New Laptops(Pioneer Press) ●Reviews: BitVice 1.1.2(MacUser) ●Macromedia Fireworks MX 6.0 ●Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 6.0 (VersionTracker) ●居酒屋「絵夢D」色ばなし:とりあえずは、最後っぺ。(ZDNet Mac) ●特集:MacOS Xがおもしろい!(PCJapan)WindowsユーザーのためのMacOS活用最新テクニック
●The end of the one-browser Web(MacEdition) ●Wireless: Killer App Without Being An App(O'Reilly Network) ●さまざまなデバイスでデータ共有できるレンタルサーバ「ビジネストランク」(ZDNet Mac) ●仙台のITベンチャー集積地でホットエリア実験(INTERNET Watch) ●秋にリリース予定の『AOL8.0』、ブラウザーはIEにあらず?(HotWired Japan)
●Adobe Illustrator 10 体験版(アドビ)●Adobe Illustrator 10.0.1 update(Adobe) ●Squeak 3.2gamma-4811 日本語版(新らし物好きのダウンロード) ●Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0.5 日本語版 ●SVG Viewer 3J ●AdobePS 8.8J(Adobe) ●「もじくみかなSH版」(スタジオ・ポット)「もじくみ仮名」(日本語の文字と組版を考える会)
●Stereotypography ●Diphthong ●Wink Media
●Take To Mac With A Knife(The Australian) ●Reverend Jobs Tries To Kill Classic Mac OS(IDGNet New Zealand) ●Perspective: XP Or OS X?(Beta News) ●Ask The Computer Guy(Washington Post) ●Stereoscopic classic now in PDF (Planet Publish) ●XML tools on show at Open Publish conference(Planet Publish) ●Tools For Background Knockouts (Digital Custom) ●Digital Pop Art: Unleash Your Inner Warhol (Creative Pro) ●Photoshop 7's Brushes Palette: Brush Tip Shape(Planet Photoshop) ●An Exercise Using The Patch Tool(Planet Photoshop) ●Photoshop 7 Natural Brushes(Planet Photoshop)
●GoLive 6: Adobe's Open Source Embrace(O'Reilly Network) ●SVG versus Flash(Planet Publish) ●SVG dominates XML Europe(Planet Publish) ●Apple Creating iBrowser On Mozilla Code? (Slashdot) ●IE6 SP1(windowsmax)
●setPixel ●play / create ●Simon Hoegsberg
●Adobe Illustrator10 イラストレータ教室 Windows&Macintosh(インプレス)
●Jobs, Sculley go head-to-head Tuesday(Think Secret) ●Apple still innovative leader in computer industry(MacCentral ) ●10.1.5 by Monday? ●MWNY Info...(MacRumors) ●Review: After Effects 5.5(Applelust.Com) ●Apple Offers Mac OS X Maintenance Program(MacMinute) ●Apple iMac Series(CNET) ●Apple Videoconferencing Device Coming Soon(osOpinion)
●Tools for creating Web pages finally leave Stone Age(Seattle Times) ●Ether Nectar: Flash MX Tutorial 2 - Tell me what happened to tellTarget(Applelust.Com) ●特集:インターネットで“できること”200(Yahoo! Internet Guide)
●workbase' | wbdb ●tykomusic.com ●DJK Argentina
●Quanta Computer will ship new 17 and 19-inch iMacs beginning in 3Q(DigiTimes) ●Widescreen iMacs set for Q3 - report(TheRegister) ●TIFFANY3 PROFESSIONAL 3.5(Macworld) ●Mac OS X 10.1.5 (ZDNet Mac) ●Making Animated Knockouts in Photoshop with Russell Brown(creativepro) ●「Adobe PDF 研究会」、発足1年で155社の企業が参加(ZDNet Mac) ●【コラム】OS Xハッキング! システム環境設定と/etc/hostconfigの関係(MYCOM PC WEB)
●AOL Test May Renew Browser War(Wired News) ●June 2002 issue of Web Page Design for Designers ●mini-review: Wacom Cintiq 15x(Web Page Design for Designers) ●top tip: The PNG alternative(Web Page Design for Designers) ●Style Sheets without Tears - 3(Web Page Design for Designers) ●Issue 50 - June 2002" [editorial](Web Page Design for Designers) ●Chimera Browser Portends Apple Market Push(osOpnion) ●New Netscape Browser Merely Plays Catch-Up(Associated Press) ●Reviews: FAXstf X(MacAddict)
●vividology ●formlos ●starfighter, game