●event & seminar
●「新聞広告デジタル制作・送稿ガイド Ver1.0」PDF(日本広告業協会) ●ヒラギノOpenType情報 Webサイトで公表(大日本スクリーン)
●Shed No Tears Over OS 9's Demise(BusinessWeek) ●Steve Jobs: Rolling With The Punches(CNET News.com) ●Adobe Photoshop Tip: Torn Photo a la 'Amelie'(MacMerc) ●Firm sheds new light on keyboard design(CNET News.com) ●What else is there? The future of Apple looks bright indeed.(MacNETv2) ●Jaguar or Jackalope?(Dr. Dobb's Journal) ●Is it the perfect 10 for Mac?(Bangkok Post ) ●Apple announces new rackmount server -- updated live -(MacCentral) ●Apple ships backordered GeForce4 Ti cards(MacCentral) ●Apple looks to the future(IT-Analysis.com) ●FontAgent X becomes 'total font manager'(MacCentral) ●Portfolio 6: Digital asset management software for graphic artists(Mac Design) ●New PowerBooks Sport Monitor Key(The PowerBook Zone) ●Adobeも特許侵害――Macromedia側の訴訟で陪審が判断(ZDNet/JAPAN) ●デジクリPowerBook Publishing Project:PowerBookで出版社開業!(ZDNet Mac)
●XServe and XServe RAID Pictures(MacRumors)Apple Rackmount Event ●Motionbuilder 4.0 brings 3D character animation to OS X (MacCentral) ●Netscape 6.2.3: Shockingly Close to a Real Browser(The Mac Night Owl) ●HTML into XML-RSS(MacMerc) ●The Creative Toolbox Is LiveMotion 2.0 a Flash in the Pan?(creativepro) ●北海道岩見沢市立図書館で岩波文庫の電子書籍を導入(INTERNET Watch)
●soft ware
●Adobe Illustrator 10 体験版(アドビ)●Adobe Illustrator 10.0.1 update(Adobe) ●イラレの鬼 1.5.0(新らし物好きのダウンロード) ●Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0.5 日本語版 ●SVG Viewer 3J ●AdobePS 8.7.3-J(Adobe) ●「もじくみかなSH版」(スタジオ・ポット)「もじくみ仮名」(日本語の文字と組版を考える会)
●cool site
●CONTINUE JP(コラム「Illustratorなんかに負けない話」を公開) ●SLRP ●Speed21.com ●rumblefish
●Adobe Officially Ships Photoshop 7(Mac Observer) ●Photoshop 7 on test(Computer Arts) ●Apple Media Event for Rack-Mount Server-But What Else is Coming?(Insanely Great Mac) ●Apple to hold media event Tuesday for rackmount(Think Secret) ●IBM Goes Own Way with PowerPC(NewsFactor) ●The Next Mac OS X: Why It's Gonna Be One Cool Cat(ZDNet) ●At Long Last, A Picture Package That Works(Planet Photoshop) ●Scrolling Text from ImageReady(Planet Photoshop) ●The Creative Toolbox: Upgrade to Photoshop 7.0?(creativepro) ●居酒屋「絵夢D」色ばなし:こだわりの色を如何に媒体社へ伝えるのか?(ZDNet Mac) ●JP2002にて,多数のCISコンファレンスが開催(ZDNet Mac) ●『スパイダーマン』映画版の魅力は等身大の主人公(WIRED NEWS) ●『スター・ウォーズ』最新作で映画館のデジタル化は加速するか(WIRED NEWS) ●マックを使わせてもらえない? 米国議会の議員たち(下)(WIRED NEWS)
●GoLive 6.0(MacUser) ●Netscape 6.2.3 quietly posted on ftp servers(MacNN) ●Review - Internet Explorer 5.1.4(AquaticMac.com) ●ウェブログ戦略を展開するマクロメディア社(WIRED NEWS)
●CONTINUE JP(コラム「Illustratorなんかに負けない話」を公開) ●4oh5 Inc ●5th International Design Indab ●exhibit
●パートナー6社と「InDesignソリューションセミナー」を開催(アドビ) 次世代のパブリッシングソリューションを提案 ●DIC中国の伝統色 第2版完成(ジーイー企画センター) ●7470 PPC and Why no G5's.(MacRumors) ● No more litigation (or we'll sue) (Planet Publish) ●Jaguar out of the bag(Planet Publish) ●Planet Publish Tools List(Planet Publish) ●Cafe Computing Goes Triple Shot(O'Reilly Network) ●The Office Suite That Lets You See Past Redmond(Washington Post) ●Apple Mac OS X Jaguar: ZDNet First Take(ZDNet) ●Inside Jaguar: A visual look at the Finder and System(Think Secret ) ●Digital lifeline(Sydney Morning Herald ) ●How To Build A Rockin' OS 9 Compatible OS X Box(Hybit.com) ●外字・異体字をどう扱うか〜モリサワの場合〜 (JAFAT)
●Go Flash your mother...(Planet Publish) ●Implementing APIs(Great Mac) ●Is The Server Market Ripe For Apple? (MacVillage.net)
●CONTINUE JP(コラム「Illustratorなんかに負けない話」を公開) ●Porno-grafics ●Long time dead ●Stereotypography
●MWNY PowerMac Specs?(MacRumors)1.0 GHz, 1.2 GHz, and dual-1.4 GHz G4's ●Matrox Video Cards? G5s?(MacRumors) ●Steve Jobs And The History Of Cocoa, Part Two(O'Reilly Network) ●More Jaguar Pictures/Movies(MacRumors) ●Why PC design must change(ZDNet) ●Readers Mull Apple's Enterprise Moves(eWEEK) ●Review: OmniGraffle 2.0(Applelust.com) ●Exclusive: Mac OS X 10.2 Pictures Surfaced(TheMacMind.com) ●Jaguar - Getting Ready to Roar?(Applelust.com) ●My Mac Is Faster Than Your PC(USA Today) ●Apple Offers Up To $300 Cash Back On Desktop G4(MacCentral) ●Macromedia wins countersuit against Adobe(MacCentral) ●My Mac Is Faster Than Your PC(USA Today) ●Font Reserve 3.0 Single User(Macworld)
●Mozilla 1.0 Release Candidate 2 Release Notes(The Mozilla Organization) ●FCC Set To Approve Wi-Fi Rule Revamp(InternetNews.com) ●CNN's Free QT Stream Goes Dark (Insanely Great Mac) ●Review: Chimera(TheMacMind)
●Macromedia wins countersuit against Adobe(MacCentral) ●My Mac Is Faster Than Your PC(USA Today) ●Font Reserve 3.0 Single User(Macworld) ●Apple's Jaguar - Sliced And Diced(The Register) ●PPCs Get Even Friendlier With Macs(InfoSync) ●Mac OS X Font Management: The More Things ChangeS(The Mac Night Owl) ●OS X Journal: Closer look at Jaguar's Quartz Extreme(Insanely Great Mac) ●クォーク,「Quark Digital Media System 日本語版」を発表(ZDNet Mac) ●Charles Moore Reviews iListen 1.2.1(Applelinks) ●週刊ドットブック:紙か紙でないかはナンセンス,一貫した流れをつくってやるぞ(ZDNet Mac) ●マックを使わせてもらえない? 米国議会の議員たち(上)(WIRED NEWS)
●Flash Physics: Velocity and Acceleration (creativepro) ●Will Watson Make Web Browsers Obsolete?(Business 2.0)
●CONTINUE JP(コラム「Illustratorなんかに負けない話」を公開) ●Creative Behavior ●pleix.net ●PingPong Design
●iBook update may be on the way(Think Secret) ●Jaguar Preview Is Stunning(O'Reilly Network) ●Mac Attacks PC Users(ABCNews.com) ●Macs' Last Stand On Capitol Hill(Wired News) ●Mounting Speculation About New Apple Device(MacUser) ●Why Linux Instead Of OS X?(Low End Mac) ●Jaguar Reviewed...(MacRumors) ●Jobs: OS 9 is Dead, Long Live OS X(Macworld) ●Desktops Go Wireless(NewsFactor) ●Inside Virtual PC 5.0(Mac Help Net) ●Optical Character Recognition Applications(Macworld) ●Quartz Extreme' and built-in obsolescence, perhaps not the best of timing.(MacNETv2) ●Special Report: New Technologies for Creative Pros on Display at WWDC (creativepro) ●Under the Desktop: Impure Thoughts about Color(creativepro) ●消え行くOS 9についてデベロッパーが語る(MacCentral) ●マスターのつぶやき:(値段が高いモニタの)色温度設定はD50に合わせるべき(MacWIRE-D) ●XMLで顧客のために何ができるか (JAGAT)
●ExtremeZ-IP speeds data transfer on mixed networks(Newspapers & Technology) ●Mozilla Gets Browsing Just Right(Low End Mac) ●Mac satellite-broadband launched(Macworld UK) ●Ethernet-based satellite Internet service in UK(MacCentral) ●Apple Releases Bluetooth Preview 2 Software(MacCentral) ●OS X用4-Sight Faxベータ5がデビュー(MacCentral)
●CONTINUE JP(コラム「Illustratorなんかに負けない話」を公開) ●jeronimo ●XenoForm ●thegreymovementV3
●AAPL Soars In Broad Market Rally(Mac Observer) ●Will Jaguar Be A Free Upgrade For Current OS X Users?(Mac Net Journal) ●Mac Rack Photo(MacRumors) ●Photoshop 7 Arrives For Mac OS X(O'Reilly Network) ●Power Mac 933MHz" MacUser(MacUser) ●Free office suite coming to the Mac(ZDNet) ●Apple touches up iPhoto software (CNET News.com) ●OS X Beyond The PowerPC(Low End Mac) ●O'Reilly publishes 802.11 'Definitive Guide' (MacCentral) ●Today's Prescription From Dr Mac Is 'PDF Freedom'(OSXFAQ) ●Thinking Outside the (Picture) Box in QuarkXPress(creativepro) ●2050年の印刷を考える 第1章 総論〜21世紀の文明発展の仮説(JAGAT)
●Microsoft to release major Mac Internet Explorer update(Think Secret) ●BetterHTMLExport 1.3.1(MacUser) ●『スパイダーマン』、ウェブのチケット販売で新記録 (CNET Japan)
●J Paul Design ●bigbook ●Elle Carling
●Photoshop 7 Arrives For Mac OS X(O'Reilly Network) ●Apple's Classroom Counterattack(BusinessWeek) ●Developers speak on the death of OS 9 (MacCentral) ●Despite Hang-Up, QuickTime 6 Launch Set(CNET News.com) ●The Creative Toolbox: Upgrade to Photoshop 7.0?(creativepro) ●Apple: Jaguar preview disappointing! (MacMerc) ●Talkin' Smack: Dead & Buried/On the 'passing of OS 9'(Creative Mac) ●New iBooks on the Horizon - This Week?(O'Grady's PowerPage) ●Epson scanner TWAIN driver and Photoshop 7(MacFixIt) ●Jobs氏,Mac OS 9の死とOS Xのメジャーアップグレードを宣言(ZDNet/USA) ●WWDC基調講演速報:Jaguar,Sherlock 3,ラックマウントサーバ!(MacCentral) ●夏にやって来る次回の主要Mac OS Xアップデート,Jaguar(MacCentral) ●Mac OS Xを着実に進化させる「Jaguar」の概要を発表(MacWIRE) ●WWDC 2002の基調講演を分析する(MacWIRE) ●『Mac OS 9』よ、安らかに眠れ(CNET Japan)
●デジクリWebデザインレビュー:そろそろフラッシュサイトもいいんじゃない?(MacWIRE-D) ●【レポート】パリ見本市でホームマルチメディア体験(1) (2)(MYCOM PC WEB) ●ヤフーBBがマクドナルドで無線LANサービス(CNET Japan)
●XenoForm ●beverly hills design firm ●Coffee/Black Advertising
●Adobe PhotoShop 7.0 for OS X: Simply the Best(The iMac) ●Jobs puts Mac OS 9 to rest(ZDNet News) ●Apple showcases Jaguar, new version of OS X(MacNN) ●Jobs: Mac OS 9, Rest In Peace(CNET News.com) ●Apple Drops Mac OS 9(Slashdot) ●A look inside Jaguar(Apple.com) ●More WWDC Coverage and Pictures ●Inkwell: Newton Technology(MacRumors) ●Apple announces first rack serves, P2P, chat, web services (The Register) ●Why Have I Bought My Last Windows-Based Computer?(Vanderwal.net) ●DAVE 3.1.1 shares outbound PostScript printers on OS X(MacCentral) ●Microsoft Office v. X and Corrupt Fonts(O'Grady's PowerPage) ●Should Apple Keep The eMac At School?(Mac Night Owl) ●Radeon 7000 Mac Edition(MacCentral) ●XML・自動化処理・組版(JAGAT)
●Flash MX versus LiveMotion 2(Digital Producer)4page ●Toon Boom Studio 1.2 Launches(Creative Mac) ●HyperTransport networking extensions unveiled(MacCentral) ●Apple's Bluetooth Move: Genius or Folly?(NewsFactor)
●Marunouchi Underground ●Super Shag Land ●Effixx
●No Flash In The Pan(San Francisco Chronicle) ●Jordan Hubbard Moves To New OpenDarwin.org(Slashdot) ●Will Apple Suit Endanger Flash MX Video?(O'Reilly Network) ●All About the new eMac; specs and more(TheMacMind.com) ●Laptop vs. desktop choice depends on the student(Scripps) ●10.1.5 and iBooks...(MacRumors) ●Working with Spot Color Channels (Planet Photoshop) ●Fun With Faces (Planet Photoshop) ●Toxic Waste Effects in Photoshop 7 (Planet Photoshop) ●Adobe Photoshop 7.0 Review (c|net) ●Flash特許侵害評決の「実質的影響なし」と Macromedia(ZDNet/JAPAN) ●2050年の印刷を考える 第1章 総論〜デジタル革命と仮説(JAGAT)
●Adobe GoLive 6.0(Macworld) ●Macromedia Dreamweaver MX(ZDNet)
●fusednet.com ●twodotone ●Les Ailes De La Mode
●All About the new eMac; specs and more(TheMacMind.com) ●Open Type comes out of the foundry(Planet Publish) ●Adobe Opens Typefaces(Planet Publish) ●New faces at International Typeface Corporation (ITC)(Planet Publish) ● Adobe plans low-cost PDF-authoring tool(Planet Publish) ●Steve Jobs And The History Of Cooca, Part One(O'Reilly Network) ●Apple Provides Details On Plans For Shake(MacCentral) ●New Mouse at WWDC?(MacRumors) ●Apple On The Right Track(Applelinks.com) ●This Is Welcomed News(Slashdot) ●Norton SystemWorks Now Fully Xed(CanadaComputes.com) ●Splat! 1.0(MacUser)●Splat!(MacReview)●Mac Publisher Pro(MacReview) ●オフ輪/印刷機の数はどのくらいでしょうか?(JAGAT)
●Adobe GoLive 6.0(Macworld) ●Freeloader Friday makes it's debut...(MacMerc) ●W3C Approves Vector Graphics Standard(InternetWeek) ●Microsoft Faces Challenge From Browser(Chicago Sun-Times)
●Discorder ●katapulte ●Evapor-8
●Apple eMac: That's 'E' for education(CNN) ●Adobe Has Plenty to Crow About(The Mac Night Owl ) ●eMac? Great. Now how about itMac running aLinux?(MacOpinion) ●Is The Future Flat? (Mail & Guardian) ●Regain your Equilibrium: Equilibrium's DeBabelizer Pro 5(ComputerUser.com) ●Dual 1GH Mac: Better Machine, Better Price(ComputerUser.com) ●Piles Of New Stuff Indicate OS 9 On Its Way Out(Houston Chronicle) ●Photo Illustration: Michael Elins on Painting Images(creativepro) ●ZyWeb Launches a Revolutionary Multi-Page Web Site Creator(creativepro) ●Flashは特許侵害――Adobeが勝訴(ZDNN/USA) ●写植フォントのオープン化(2)─フォント千夜一夜物語(3)(JAGAT)フォント千夜一夜物語(2)
●Surfing without IE(MacMerc) ●IBM adds TCP/IP coprocessor to PowerPC(EE Times) ●Macworld First: AOL UK announces OS X browser plans(Macworld UK)
●Honeydipped Graphics ●Honeydipped Photography ●Venture Cup East
●Adobe Wins Patent Trial Against Macromedia(Adobe) ●Adobe wins Macromedia patent suit(CNET News.com ) ●Adobe wins court case against Macromedia(MacCentral) ●Adobe wins 2.8M in Macromedia case(MacNN) ●Prototype Quicksilver Server Summary(MacRumors) ●Reminder: WWDC Next Week, Keynote From Steve Jobs To Include Mac OS X 10.2 Preview(The Mac Observer) ●Adobe Photoshop 7.0(Digital Media Designer)5page ●Apple Software Elegant, Useful(San Jose Mercury News) ●The long awaited for iMac: eMac(Mac Help Net) ●Can't get a $999 eMac? Here's something better(Right On Mac!) ●Putting A Mac In A PC House(San Jose Mercury News) ●Keyboard Shortcuts One Way To Unlock Macintosh Mysteries(San Francisco Chronicle) ●A Look At The PowerBook G4's New Graphics Hardware(MacCentral) ●Visual Vectors 1.1(VersionTracker)Plot vector angles with ease ●Philips sets displays free with 'paintable' LCDs(MacCentral) ●For Position Only Publishing's New Starship Enterprise(creativepro) ●We need to find a copy of 7.5.3 version OS to run on various Macs (PC User) ●1bit TIFFのメリット・デメリット(JAGAT)
●Fireworks Gets the MX Treatment(Macworld) ●What Do You Want to Know? Web Site Explains All to PC Users(ABCNews.com) ●Hollywood Vs. The Internet(Reason Online) ●Mozilla 1.0の成果は何なのか(ZDNet/USA)
●Israel Philharmonic Orchestra ●HPK ●mediaidea
●New path could lead to screens as light as paper(Associated Press) ●Motorola adds Bluetooth baseband to Dragonball processor(EE Times) ●Review of: Photoshop Down & Dirty Tricks ●Review of: PageSender( MacMerc) ●eMac Evokes Price Shock For Students(CNET News.com) ●Macintosh... The Naked Truth(Slashdot) ●Norton SystemWorks 2.0 hands-on(MacHelpNet) ●Apple and Adobe Invite MindComet to Demonstrate New Technology(Business Wire) ●On the Move to InDesign: A Whole Mess of Tips(creativepro) ●Apple: When Good Things Happen By Accident(ZDNet) ●Are We Living In Wingapore?(MacSingapore) ●The ThinkFree Alternative" O'Reilly(Network) ●Mac OS X and the Case of the Flickering Blue Screen(The Mac Night Owl) ●Painter 7, Macs used to bring Spider-Man to life(MacCentral)Spider-Man Official Site ●procreate Painter 7 Used in Spider-Man Movie(CCNMatthews) ●Create Interesting Text Effects using Canvas(Deneba.com)PDF version of this tutorial 492 KB ●2050年の印刷を考える 第1章 総論〜顧客満足(JAGAT)
●Adobe Photoshop 7(Web Page Design for Designers) ●Macromedia Flash MX(Web Page Design for Designers) ●Style Sheets without tears - Part 2(Web Page Design for Designers) ●"I often hear the question, 'Why bother with old browsers?'(Web Page Design for Designers) ●Review: Dreamweaver MX Preview(AquaticMac) ●W3C、Web用グラフィックス仕様「SVG 1.1」を勧告候補として公開(INTERNET Watch)
●the lazy eye ●Pinhole Spy Camera ●thinkcollective
●Apple's Hot for Teacher(eWEEK) ●IBM details PowerPC chip(InfoWorld) ●So Where's The eBook?(Insanely Great Mac) ●iPhoto v1.1 coming "soon"(MacNN) ●Mac OS X and the Case of the Damaged Font(Mac Night Owl) ●Photoshop 7.0: Top-7 Tips & Tricks(Creative Mac) ●First Look: Macromedia Dreamweaver MX(Digital Media Designer) ●Grads Want To Study On EMacs, Too(Wired News) ●Apple Offers Adobe Software With G4s(Macworld UK) ●Mac OS X 10.1.5 in the Works(AquaticMac) ●Adobe Illustrator Tip: Simple Gears using Pathfinder and the Star tool(MacMerc) ●The eMac, Speed Bumped PowerBooks and Strange Part Numbers(XFactor) ●Rumor Wrapup - New iBooks?(Mac Rumors) ●アップルは一般大衆にeMacをリリースするべきですか(The Mac Observer Forums) ●After Effects 5.5 Adobe Motion Exchangeプラグイン(アドビ)Mac & Win ●Apple,「eMac」で教育市場に再度力点(ZDNet/USA) ●ついに復活か? 伝説のコンピュータ「Amiga」の現状(1) (2)(MYCOM PC WEB) ●東京国際ブックフェア2002報告(JAGAT)
●Final Mozilla browser beta readies attack(MacCentral) ●Chimera Web Browser Gets New Pre-Release Version(MacCentral) ●Macromedia MX: An "Office" Suite for the Web? (creativepro) ●MacのBluetooth環境を探る(MacWIRE) ●Macromedia,“MX世代”のツール群発表(ZDNet/USA) ●デジクリWebデザイン研究室:「パクってください」の真意(MacWIRE-D) ●電力線ブロードバンド開放の条件は?(INTERNET Watch)
●Scott McNeill Art ●Patternbook ●pedrin.org