●event & seminar
●「新聞広告デジタル制作・送稿ガイド Ver1.0」PDF(日本広告業協会) ●ヒラギノOpenType情報 Webサイトで公表(大日本スクリーン)
●Apple apes rumour sites with 50lb monster Mac(The Register) ●Adobe GoLive 6.0用ワイヤレス オーサリング モジュールを発表(アドビ) ●Adobe, Macromedia meet in court(MacCentral) ●Free Photoshop Plug-ins comp. with v7 & OS X(MacNN) ●Just when you thought you had completed your font collection...(MacMerc) ●Adobe Support Documents for April 2002(MacMerc) ●TouchStrokes virtual keyboard for Mac OS X released(MacCentral) ●Sharp offers 'billion color' LCD display, more(MacCentral) ●Apple's New eMac Sports 17-Inch Screen by Ian Fried(CNET News.com) ●Apple to woo schools with eMac(The Wall Street Journal) ●Apple unveils the eMac(ZDNet) ●Apples Releases New PowerBook and the eMac(SlashDot) ●Adobe converts Type Library to OpenType(MacCentral) ●Adobe Converts Entire Type Library Into OpenType(Adobe) ●Apple unveils the eMac all-in-one computer(MacCentral) ●Apple announces new Titanium PowerBook(MacCentral)
●GoLive Gets Interesting(O'Reilly Network) ●Macromedia Brings Full Software Line to OS X(osOpinion) ●特集:インターネット電話徹底比較(ヤフーBBマガジン)
●soft ware
●Adobe Illustrator 10 体験版(アドビ)●Adobe Illustrator 10.0.1 update(Adobe) ●イラレの鬼 1.5.0(新らし物好きのダウンロード) ●Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0.5 日本語版 ●SVG Viewer 3J ●AdobePS 8.7.3-J(Adobe) ●「もじくみかなSH版」(スタジオ・ポット)「もじくみ仮名」(日本語の文字と組版を考える会)
●cool site
●Scott McNeill Art ●Patternbook ●pedrin.org
●速効!図解 Illustrator10 Macintosh版(毎日コミュニケーションズ)
●Adobe converts Type Library to OpenType(MacCentral) ●Adobe Converts Entire Type Library Into OpenType(Adobe) ●Apple Unveils New eMac for Education(Apple.com) ●Apple Unveils New Titanium PowerBook G4(Apple.com) ●Apple's new eMac sports 17-inch screen(News.com) ●Apple announces eMac, from 」729 (Macworld UK) ●Apple announces eMac(Macworld UK) ●Apple unveils the eMac all-in-one computer(MacCentral) ●Apple announces new Titanium PowerBook(MacCentral) ●Dreamweaver MX for Mac OS X announced(MacCentral) ●New Fireworks explodes into Macromedia MX lineup(MacCentral) ●Macromedia unveils Studio MX suite(MacCentral) ●Another look: Mac OS X 10.1.5 and QuickTime 6 (with images)(Think Secret) ●Price varies more than function for page layout(Seattle Times) ●Reader Report: Photoshop 7(MacInTouch) ●Reader Report: Adobe Illustrator 10(MacInTouch) ●BlogTV Flashback: Apple's Golden Age And How It Ended(Disinfotainment) ●TypeStyler 3 Now Shipping With New Features(MacDirectory) ●Corel Graphics Suite 10(MacDirectory) ●New USB 2.0 is as fast as Apple's FireWire(Boston Globe)
●GoLive Gets Interesting(O'Reilly Network) ●Mozilla Unleashes 1.0 RC Browser(Internet.com)
●burger king germany ●WIG-01 ●The Squad
●GoLive Gets Interesting(O'Reilly Network) ●Another Polished Apple(CBS News) ●Latest iMac Design Playful, Inviting And A Joy To Use(Houston Chronicle) ●After Wait, New Adobe Products Prove Worth(Houston Chronicle) ●What You Get When You Buy A Modern Mac(Post-Standard) ●iTeXMac 1.1b0(VersionTracker)teTex front-end, PDF viewer, TeX text editor ●Appleのシェアが拡大(ZDNet/USA) ●2050年の印刷を考える 第1章 総論〜仮説と予測・予言(JAGAT) ●CMSのための印刷管理〜いよいよ問われるワークフロー上の統合管理〜(JAGAT)
●Apple adds Bluetooth session to WWDC(MacCentral) ●Teching Order(Entrepreneur Magazine)
●KUB ●HMA New Media ●Rocky Horror Live
●Photoshop 7の進化の方向性・意味付けとは? 〜担当者インタビュー〜(MacWIRE-D)4page ●Mac OS X 10.1.5 Screenshots ●New 19" LCD?(MacRumors) ●DeBabelizer Pro 5: Old Image-Processing Favorite Returns to the Mac(Macworld) ●Apple Remote Desktop - Another Killer App from Apple Computer(MacNETv2 ) ●Mac OS X Makes it Hard to Trash the Wrong Fonts(The Mac Night Owl) ●dot-font: Language Culture Type(creativepro) ●AnchorDesk:Windows派はMacを好きになれるか? もちろん!(ZDNet/USA) ●週刊ドットブック:第3回 まずは読者としてこの航海に(MacWIRE-D)
●W3Cが「Amaya6.0」ブラウザーを発表〜国際化や注釈機能に対応(INTERNET Watch) ●W3C、次期版「XML 1.1」の最終ドラフト仕様を公開(INTERNET Watch) ●Mozilla Loaded Up For Browser Wars(ZDNet) ●アルプス電気,電力線通信モデムに参入(ZDNet/JAPAN)
●Portfolio - - Reinhard Meisl ●the black rag ●JordanDunk
●Adobe licensing agreements improve Internet printing(MacCentral) ●Why We Love Our Macs(Low End Mac) ●Photoshop 7.0: Top-7 Tips & Tricks(Digital Media Designer) ●AppleTalk over the Internet(Digital Media Designer) ●W3C talks XML(Planet Publish) ●Adobe goes wireless(Planet Publish) ●Andromeda Releases ScatterLight Lenses(Creative Mac) ●Human Software Ships PhotoSurface(Creative Mac) ●Adobe in PDF print deal(Macworld UK) ●ScatterLight Lenses Photoshop plug-in released(MacCentral) ●「通りすがりのMac使い」がオンデマンドブックとして復活(MacWIRE-D) ●マスターのつぶやき:グラパック事件のトラウマは完治できるか?(MacWIRE-D)
●The Browser That Roared (Time) ●Yahoo!BBが無料ダイヤルアップ接続サービスを開始(ZDNet/JAPAN) ●NTTコム,月額1600円で“ホットスポット”を展開(ZDNet/JAPAN) ●特集:ADSL怖いものなしマニュアル3(ネットランナー)
●Adobe and AlphaGraphics Team to Connect Desktops to Print Shops(Adobe) ●Adobe and Servador Bring Internet Printing to the Enterprise(Adobe) ●Nvidia Vs. ATI: The Struggle For Mac Graphics Dominance(NewsFactor) ●XP On The PowerPC(O'Reilly Network) ●LiveSlideShow an innovative tool(CanadaComputes.com) ●Photoshop 7 Arrives!(RAILhead Design) ●X Marks the Spot: Why upgrade?(Mac Design ) ●Office v. X Demos(Microsoft Mactopia ) ●Apple in cut-price G4 bundle offer(Macworld UK) ●On the Move to InDesign Text Selections(creativepro) ●【レビュー】シンボルを描くだけの簡単操作 まるで魔法使い気分のソフト(MYCOM PC WEB) ●シャープ,次世代液晶を今秋から量産――液晶新工場も(ZDNet/JAPAN) ●超小型パソコンに未来はあるか?(WIRED NEWS) ●2050年の印刷を考える〜はじめに〜(JAGAT)
●「Yahoo! BBモバイル」発表??全国にホットスポット展開,月額2280円(ZDNet/JAPAN) ●電子ブック? オーディオブックがお勧め(ZDNet/USA) ●ニフティ,ホットスポット接続に意欲(ZDNet/JAPAN) ●特別編:アッカ・ネットワークスに聞く(Broadband Watch) 〜500kbpsの速度向上が見込めるAnnexC拡張版の正体と は〜 ●載:高速インターネット入門(Yahoo! Internet Guide)
●nasty, but fair ●bubblebusiness ●smart racer
●ゼロからのステップアップ! Adobe GoLive6 for Macintosh(ラトルズ)
●Hello Photoshop, Goodbye Classic(O'Reilly Network) ●Font Utility Update From Vizspring(The Mac Observer) ●New Powerbooks Next Week?(MacRumors) ●Adobe Announces the Next Level of Visual Authoring Tools for Wireless Web(Adobe) ●Adobe announces free wireless authoring module for GoLive 6.0(MacMerc) ●Fast, Simple Web Effects with Adobe Illustrator(Creative Mac ) ●Adobe CEO discusses Accelio implications(planetpdf) ●PDF Best Practices #5: Acrobat Find & Search(planetpdf) ●Photoshop 7, Flash MX classes coming(MacCentral) ●This Year, iMac Is Apple Of His Eye(Orlando Sentinel) ●Free Love And Selling Macs(Wired News) ●Can Macs And PCs Really Get Along? (ZDNet) ●Photoshop 7.0 Jなどが体感できるセミナー,全国5カ所にて開催(MacWIRE-D) ●イーフロンティア、BNNの営業権を取得し出版事業に本格参入(ASCII24) ●フォントワークス,包括的フォント環境サポートサービスを発表(MacWIRE-D) ●謎の特殊仕様マックに関する「有力情報」現る(WIRED NEWS) ●開発が進むメガネ不要の3Dディスプレー(WIRED NEWS) ●「Adobe Photoshop 7.0日本語版」を発表(アドビ)Press Releases ●Photoshop 7 日本語版レビュー(MacWIRE-D)5page
●Frame Remote 2.0(VersionTracker)action script for Adobe GoLive to remotely control a frame ●その時Webサーバからデータが消えた。あなたな〜らどうする?(MacWIRE-D) ●「ナップスター革命」に匹敵する「ウェブログ革命」(WIRED NEWS) ●ネットは広告媒体としてテレビを超えた?(ZDNet/JAPAN) ●【レポート】IPv6のメリットを探る(1) (2)(MYCOM PC WEB) ●またもや急激にスループット値上昇!! 8Mサービスへ切り替え完了(Broadband Watch) ●中国が日本を抜いて世界第2位のインターネット大国に(CNET Japan)
●Ice Age(iceagemovie.com)●gaffa ●Secret Santa ●velvetcut
●Adobe GoLive6.0 スーパーリファレンス for Macintosh(ソーテック社)
●「Adobe Photoshop 7.0日本語版」を発表(アドビ)Press Releases ●アドビの「Photoshop 7.0 日本語版」,5月下旬発売(ZDNet/JAPAN) ●Photoshop 7 日本語版レビュー(MacWIRE-D)5page ●アドビ、フォトレタッチソフトの最新版『Adobe Photoshop 7.0 日本語版』を発売(ASCII24) ●「Photoshop 7.0日本語版」〜新ペイントエンジン、ファイルブラウザなどを搭載(PC Watch) ●Is OS X 10.1.5 In The Pipeline?(MacSlash) ●Can You Continue to Run Mac OS 9?(The Mac Night Owl) ●Quark: OS X Not Ready For Prime Time(NewsFactor) ●Photoshop Tip: Add a little strength to details without 'sharpening'(MacMerc) ●Prepress Checklist(MacMerc) ●Cider Press Reviews: Adobe PageMaker 7 A Mixed Bag for Mac Users(MacSpeedZone) ●Pompeii to play(MacEdition)Quark ●'Black Mac' Shrouded In Gray Area(Wired News) ●Adobe InDesignの永い旅 (JAGAT) ●The Art of Business: Designs on Writing about Design(creativepro) ●IBM, Motorola paths diverge for future microprocessors(MacCentral ) ●Motorola On The Outs, Or B.S.(Macinstein) ●居酒屋「絵夢D」色ばなし:ΔE (デルタイー)の難しくないお話(MacWIRE-D) ●魅力的だがあまりに遠い「Longhorn」の色管理と文字レンダリング(ZDNet/JAPAN) ●法務省の『お墨付き』で着々と進むPDFの電子政府対応(ASCII24) ――次期Adobe Acrobatはサーバーベースソリューションに変貌? ●デジ放談♪−その1(プレ放談) その2 その3 その4(JAGAT) ●Adobe Illustrator 10.0.1 update - Japanese(Adobe)4.8 MB
●MacEdition Guide to CSS2 Support in Mac-only Browsers(MacEdition) ●CSS Bugs in IE5/5.1 Mac(MacEdition) ●Internet Explorer is the girl next door(MacEdition) ●新型『iMac』のブラウザー表示が遅いわけ(WIRED NEWS) ●WWW考案者のバーナーズリー博士が会見――「ウェブは独占されてはならない」(ASCII24) ●レビュー 〜Flash MXがもたらすモノ〜(MacWIRE-D)
●Adobe Illustrator 10 体験版(アドビ) ●イラレの鬼 1.5.0(新らし物好きのダウンロード) ●Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0.5 日本語版 ●SVG Viewer 3J ●AdobePS 8.7.3-J(Adobe) ●「もじくみかなSH版」(スタジオ・ポット)「もじくみ仮名」(日本語の文字と組版を考える会)
●Ice Age(iceagemovie.com)●projekt137.org ●Sound the Sirens ●Fake Pilot
●MdN(MdN)「Illustratorのツボ」佐藤さん登場 コラム「どうするIllustrator10」必読
●What Color Depth to use for the Web(Planet Photoshop) ●Rack 'Em Up! Billiards in Photoshop(Planet Photoshop) ●Turning a sliced image into an HTML Webpage(Planet Photoshop) ●Creating A Blurred Background(Planet Photoshop) ●10.1.5 Already?(MacRumors) ●Ten things we like about Photoshop 7(Planet Publish) ●Planet Publish Tools List(Planet Publish) ●New Book Documents iPhoto Features and Quirks(Planet Publish) ●OS X puts all file-transfer procedures in one place, although few users find it(Seattle Times) ●Anark Studio 1.0(Digital Media Designer) ●Mac OS X 10.1.4 released(MacUser ) ●Survey: Which version of Adobe Photoshop did you start with?(MacMerc) ●デジ放談♪−その1(プレ放談) その2 その3 その4(JAGAT) ●Adobe Illustrator 10.0.1 update - Japanese(Adobe)4.8 MB
●rez2k ●Tarek Atrissi portfolio ●Little Robots
●Mac OS X 10.1.5 to include host of improvements(Think Secret) ●iMacs: New price, new part number, no changes(Think Secret) ●Adobe's Photoshop 7 Adds Crucial Support for Max OS X(Gartner) ●Adobe ユs GoLive 6.0 and LiveMotion 2.0(iMac.com) ●Adobe LiveMotion 2 - Web animation made easy(RippleStorm.com) ●Reviving A Family's Lost Past(Apple) ●Gartner: iMacs Priced Too High(osOpinion) ●Apple and Sony on Converging Paths(osOpnion) ●Motorola's MHz = Mega Hurts(osOpnion) ●iPod 101(Applelust.com) ●Review: Click 'N Design 3D CD/DVD Labeling Software(ATPM) ●Faster OS X? ●Upcoming Mac Racks? ●NeXT Information Archive(MacRumors) ●リモートプルーフには、色の総合的な判断力を(JAGAT) ●Adobe Illustrator 10.0.1 update - Japanese(Adobe)4.8 MB
●Review: Flash MX(Applelust.com) ●Mozilla 1.0 Release Candidate 1 Release Notes(The Mozilla Organization) ●FCC Okays Bid for Broadband Satellite Service(PC WORLD)
●LaLenteWeb ●Operative ●atys design
●Faster OS X?(MacRumors) ●Upcoming Mac Racks?(MacRumors) ●NeXT Information Archive(MacRumors) ●Understanding Typography Controls with CSS(creativepro) ●Shifts hitting Adobe LiveMotion group(Think Secret) ●Chiming-In On Photoshop 7(RAILhead Design) ●Fast, Simple Web Effects with Adobe Illustrator(Digital Media Designer) ●New Book Documents iPhoto Features and Quirks(planetebook) ●Apple 'investigating' X for older G3s(Macworld UK) ●Mac OS X: Why I Hate the Installer(The Mac Night Owl) ●A galaxy of photo-effects from Andromeda(Macworld UK) ●Survival in an Insecure World(Scientific American) ●週刊ドットブック:第2回 番外編 ブックフェアで大反響(MacWIRE-D) ●オークションに登場したアップルの超レア物コンピューター(WIRED NEWS) ●Adobe Illustrator 10.0.1 update - Japanese(Adobe)4.8 MB
●Bluetooth and GSM Tools For Editing Your Phonebook(O'Grady's PowerPage) ●Bluetooth Gets Real(Forbes.com) ●Deep Linking Returns To Surface(Wired News) ●Why Do New iMacs Surf So Slowly? (Wired News) ●Apple tests Web-based e-mail(ZDNet) ●Mac OS X Slow for Web Browsing? (SlashDot) ●「Mozilla 1.0 RC1」発表〜1.0発表まで一歩前進(INTERNET Watch) ●NTT西日本、御堂筋を中心に50カ所以上のホットスポット(INTERNET Watch)
●Free Illustrator 10 tryout version(Adobe) ●イラレの鬼 1.5.0(新らし物好きのダウンロード) ●Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0.5 日本語版 ●SVG Viewer 3J ●AdobePS 8.7.3-J(Adobe) ●「もじくみかなSH版」(スタジオ・ポット)「もじくみ仮名」(日本語の文字と組版を考える会)
●hellz kitchen ●plasticheart ●nano.inc
●Reader Report: Photoshop 7(MacInTouch) ●For Position Only: Preserving Transparency in PDF Workflows(creativepro) ●How A Windows Guy Learned To Love The Mac(ZDNet) ●Photoshop 7 for Mac OX now available(Apple.com) ●Apple Walks Tightrope, Begins Jaguar Hype(The Register) ●Creature House Expression 2.4.1(Creative Mac) ●Apple Talks Various Uses For New Remote Desktop(MacCentral) ●penPalette: Free Photoshop plug-in for Wacom Customers(MacMerc) ●Andromeda Software presents ScatterLight Lenses Filter for Photoshop(MacMerc) ●Rarest of Rare Apples for Sale(Wired News) ●Rumor: Fruity iMacs To Get G4?(Insanely Great Mac) ●マスターのつぶやき:同じ色相のインキを重ねる印刷方式「デュオトーン」(MacWIRE-D) ●3GIO改め「PCI Express」,対応PC開発に向け前進へ(ZDNet/JAPAN) ●『ブックフェア』で電子ペーパーをアピール(CNET Japan) ●「デジタルパブリッシングフェア2002」が開催〜電子書籍の注目高く(INTERNET Watch) ●Adobe Illustrator 10.0.1 update - Japanese(Adobe)4.8 MB
●Apple Tests Web-Based E-Mail(CNET News.com) ●Deep Linking Returns To Surface(Wired News) ●MenuMachine(Applelinks) Fast development of drop down menus in Adobe GoLive ●Webmail at Mac.com images(Right On Mac!) ●超低消費電力・高速通信──「UWB」とは何か?(ZDNet/JAPAN) ●ブラウザを検証する 〜テキストブラウザからOperaまで〜 (MYCOM PC WEB)11page ●無線LAN接続の簡略化とローコスト化を実現する「Soft Wi-Fi」(ZDNet/JAPAN)
●plastically ●smartways ●bravo travelsick game
●Apple Releases Mac OS X 10.1.4 (MacCentral) ●Apple CFO Anderson details iMac production, component supplies(Think Secret) ●Photoshop 7 Arrives for Apple's Flagship OS X(NewsFactor) ●On the Move to InDesign: Wrapping Text(creativepro) ●17-Inch LCD iMac in the Works(O'Grady's PowerPage) ●Don't fret about the little things in Mac OS X(Macworld) ●Apple: Give Me Back My Pixels (And Fix The Finder) (ZDNet) ●米Adobe,Photoshop 7.0を出荷。Mac OS Xにもネイティブ対応(ZDNet/USA) ●新興企業のOQO、手のひらサイズのパソコンを実現(CNET Japan) ●PDAサイズのフルスペックWindows XPパソコン(CNET Japan) ●謎に包まれた特殊仕様マック『SE 30 1891 ST』、その正体は? (下)(WIRED NEWS) ●Adobe Illustrator 10.0.1 update - Japanese(Adobe)4.8 MB
●iDraw adds drag and drop support, more(MacCentral) ●Apple Publicly Betas Mac.com Webmail Service(MacCentral) ●Apple talks various uses for new Remote Desktop(MacCentral) ●Bluetoothの普及促進を図る、「Bluetooth Expo 2002」開催(MYCOM PC WEB) ●多機能ワイヤレス端末『Hiptop』が発売間近(CNET Japan)
●la laiterie ●SAMSUNGACCESS.COM ●villanova junction
●Apple Presses The Emotional Buttons(The Times) ●How Fast Does Photoshop 7 Run On the Fastest G4 Power Macs?(Bare Feats) ●Adobe ships new Photoshop(CNET News.com) ●Now availavle: Photoshop 7.0(Adobe) ・Adobe Announces Immediate Availability of Photoshop 7.0 on Mac OS X ・dobe Delivers Performance Gains with the Immediate Availability of Photoshop 7.0 on Microsoft Windows XP ・Adobe Photoshop7.0 Now Shipping ●Bonus Smack: It's the Big One, Elizabeth(Creative Mac) ● Adobe Photoshop 7.0 Launches(Creative Mac) ●Adobe Announces Immediate Availability of Photoshop 7.0 on Mac OS X(Business Wire) ●Adobe Officially Ships Photoshop 7(The Mac Observer) ●The Next Version of Mac OS X(The Mac Night Owl) ●The new Creative Suite by Adobe(MacProf) ●Dual 1-GHz Makes the Fastest Apples Yet(PC Magazine) ●Trial version of KPT effects bundled with Photoshop(MacCentral) ●MD研究会,MacとWinのカラーマネジメントの公開比較実験を開催(MacWIRE-D) ●「EDEX2002 電子ディスプレイ展」開幕(PC Watch) ●謎に包まれた特殊仕様マック『SE 30 1891 ST』、その正体は? (上)(WIRED NEWS) ●Adobe Illustrator 10.0.1 update - Japanese(Adobe)4.8 MB
●MacsDesign Studio Releases Web Help Desk 5.5(MacTech Magazine) ●リッチメディアを核にWebソリューション展開(JAGAT) ●デジクリWebデザイン研究室:無意識的ウェブデザイナーの遠吠え(MacWIRE-D) ●フレッツ・ADSLを8Mタイプに移行 〜8Mタイプ ADSL 3回線を比較する〜(Broadband Watch) ●スピードネット、集合住宅向けの接続ソリューションを提供(NTERNET Watch) ●ADSLエリア外でもOK - 衛星インターネットなら、低価格ブロードバンド体験(MYCOM PC WEB)
●adickt ●Lunatic Verses ●Nick Meek
●Illustrator 10
●OpenType フォント「小塚ゴシック」のインストール・埋め込み ●インストール
●Adobe Ships Photoshop 7.0(Insanely Great Mac) ●PhotoShop 7.0: It's In The Mail(Mac OS Planet) ●Photoshop 7 Ships(MacMerc) ●A Top-Secret, One-Of-A-Kind Mac(Wired News) ●Mac OS X: Apple's Key to the Enterprise Door(osOpinion) ●Mac OS X 10.1.4 update nearing release(Think Secret) ●Developers to get OS X 10.2 preview(MacUser) ●PLUS: AnchorDesk Radio: Taking an Apple fanatic to task(ZDNet) ●Black Mac(MacSlash) ●MonacoPROFILER 4.0 color management software released(MacCentral) ●居酒屋「絵夢D」色ばなし:ワークフロー分析 はソリューションの素!(MacWIRE-D) ●メモリー保護機能を持つμITRON仕様OSを開発──フリーソフトとして配布へ(ASCII24) ●写植フォントのオープン化(1)−フォント千夜一夜物語(2)(JAGAT) ●Adobe Illustrator 10.0.1 update - Japanese(Adobe)4.8 MB
●XScale搭載のMiraデバイス,年内登場へ(ZDNet/USA) ●アッカの隠し球? 最大10Mbpsの“拡張版Annex C”詳報(ZDNet/JAPAN) ●正式リリース間近のMozilla。遅すぎた登場か,それとも……?(ZDNet/USA) ●MSが簡単に使える「ソフトWi-Fi」を披露(CNET Japan) ●ハエをモデルにした携帯電話ネットワーク(CNET Japan)
●Rhodes Design ●Executive Golf & Leisure ●Wipeout Fusion