●event & seminar
●「新聞広告デジタル制作・送稿ガイド Ver1.0」PDF(日本広告業協会) ●ヒラギノOpenType情報 Webサイトで公表(大日本スクリーン)
●InDesign 2.0 cross-media plug-in (Japanese)(Adobe)4.3 MB ●The Seybold That Wasn't(GraphicPower) ●Photoshop 7 offers 'gotta have' tools (MacCentral ) ●Adobe InDesign 2.0 cross-media plug-in 2.0(VersionTracker) for the page layout application ●On the Move to InDesign: Formatting Text(creativepro) ●Plug-ins boost for DTP pros (Macworld UK) ●OS X Odyssey 61 - Why TIFF Is A Dumb Format For Screen Shots(Applelinks.com) ●Detailed Guide to Photoshop 7 Available at Digital Mastery(The Mac Observer) ●Kimbo 1.82(VersionTracker)Adobe Illustrator plugin adds 11 new tools to the tool palette ●Mac vs. PC' info available in PDF file(MacCentral) ●1 GHz Dual Processor Quicksilver PowerMac G4 Speedup to 1.2 GHz(Marc Schrier) ●Review: Strata 3Dpro RME, Part 2(Applelust.com) ●テラバイトHDDからWatchPadまで―先進技術も楽しい「IBMフォーラム 2002」 (ZDNet/JAPAN) ●エプソン,プリンタ/スキャナ/カラーコピー複合機の新型を発売(MacWIRE) ●フォントワークスがOpenTypeフォントのページをオープン(MacWIRE-D) ●ノヴァ、Word/PDFファイルを直接入力できる業務用翻訳ソフト(ASCII24) ●Ultimate Guide to Photoshop 7.0(Digital Mastery)
●Advancing CSS Part I - Making 3D Rollover Buttons with CSS(RippleStorm) ●特集:誰よりも安く! 速く!! ADSL最新相場(ヤフーBBマガジン) ●W3C、ウェブ標準技術の特許使用料を認めない方向へ (CNET Japan)
●soft ware
●Free Illustrator 10 tryout version(Adobe) ●文字鏡TrueType Font for Macβ版 (J)(新らし物好きのダウンロード) ●Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0.5 日本語版 ●SVG Viewer 3J ●AdobePS 8.7.3-J(Adobe) ●「もじくみかなSH版」(スタジオ・ポット)「もじくみ仮名」(日本語の文字と組版を考える会)
●cool site
●Boochakanan ●Stamen ●Swedeform 2.0
●MacOS X UNIX的徹底活用講座(ローカス/角川書店)
●Illustrator 10
●OpenType フォント「小塚ゴシック」のインストール・埋め込み ●インストール
●Scenes from Seybold Seminars(creativepro) ●The Seybold NY 2002 PDF Conference(planetpdf) ●Apple's sexy new iMac is seductive - up to a point(Detroit Free Press) ●Why Intel will never inspire an iMac(AnchorDesk UK) ●Adobe InDesign 2.0(Apple) ●フラッシュバック,Illustratorプラグイン2種の最新版を無料配付(MacWIRE-D) ●ついに『OS X』対応版の『フォトショップ』登場 (WIRED NEWS) ●Maya Personal Learning Editionが入手可能に(MacCentral) ●期待される「マック・スパコン」、最後の障害は「形」?(WIRED NEWS) ●ローランド D.G.、プリンター感覚で利用できる3次元小型彫刻機『EGX-20』を発表(ASCII24) ●Ultimate Guide to Photoshop 7.0(Digital Mastery)
●デジクリWebデザイン研究室:無意識的ウェブデザイナーの遠吠え その4(MacWIRE-D) ●【レポート】KDDIブロードバンドプレゼンテーションルームでの未来体験(MYCOM PC WEB) ●「ネットワークバイオ」とはいったい何か(ZDNet/JAPAN)
●Tile Machine 1.0 ●I know where Bruce ●Qaswa
●オールアバウト Illustrator10 For Macintosh(インプレス)
●「新聞広告デジタル制作・送稿ガイド Ver1.0」PDF(日本広告業協会) ●ヒラギノOpenType情報 Webサイトで公表(大日本スクリーン) ●Seybold Seminars New York 2002(February 19-22, 2002)
●IBM Builds 110 Gigahertz Microchip(Reuters) ●Adobe and Apple Team to Offer Design Collection for Mac OS X(Apple.com) ●Quark ships International QuarkXPress 5.0(MacNN) ●Epson: Print Image Matching plug-in coming to Photoshop(MacCentral) ●Adobe Updates Web, Animation Software(CNET News.com) ●Adobe GoLive 6.0 Now Available(Adobe) ●Adobe Announces Availability of LiveMotion 2.0(Adobe) ●GoLive and LiveMotion now available(MacCentral) ●Apple Digital Camera?(MacRumors) ●The iMac Challenge(Los Angeles Times) ●penPallete works with Wacom tablets(MacNN) ●ReportMill 5 dynamic PDF, Flash Web page tool released(MacCentral) ●First Look and final word: Adobe Photoshop 7 is Mac OS X native(OSXFAQ) ●Finally, A Photoshop For OS X(Wired News) ●Photoshop First Look: What's Up with Number 7 (creativepro) ●Adobe,Mac OS X対応Photoshop 7.0を発表 (MacCentral) ●居酒屋「絵夢D」色ばなし:色が合わないんですか?(MacWIRE-D) ●アドビの『Photoshop』が『Mac OS X』をサポート(CNET Japan) ●岐路にさしかかるMSとアップルの愛憎劇(CNET Japan) ●米On2 Technologies、最新動画圧縮技術「VP5」のプレビュー版を発表(MYCOM PC WEB) ●印刷とプリントのせめぎあい(JAGAT) ●Ultimate Guide to Photoshop 7.0(Digital Mastery)
●ブロードバンドで英会話を勉強しよう(Broadband Watch) ●絶好調で日本上陸のOpera - Microsoftと対決宣言(MYCOM PC WEB) ●【レポート】ヤフー「BB Phone」モニターレポート - 気になる品質は?(MYCOM PC WEB)
●NuN Entertainment ●Shove it Helsinki ●Ambient Machines
●Virgin Design Book(オーム社)
●Photoshop 7: A Must-Have Upgrade!(planetphotoshop) ●First Look: Photoshop 7 for OS X(Creative Mac)6page ●An in-depth look at Photoshop 7(photoshopworld.com)PDF6page ●Photoshop Quick Time Movies(photoshopworld.com) ●Photoshop 7 scores a perfect X (Apple.com) ●Photoshop 7 News & Reviews (About.com) ●Adobe Sets New Digital Imaging Standard with Photoshop 7.0 (CreativePro.com) ●Adobe to ship Photoshop 7 editing software in April(San Jose Mercury News) ●Adobe is Apples night in shining Aqua(MacVillage.net) ●Adobe Announced Photoshop 7.0 For Mac OS X Today(OSXFAQ) ●What's New In Photoshop 7 For Mac OS X(OSXFAQ) ●Adobe Sets New Digital Imaging Standard with Photoshop 7.0(Business Wire) ●Adobe announces Photoshop 7(MacNN) ●Announcing Photoshop 7.0(Adobe) ●Adobe Sets New Digital Imaging Standard with Photoshop 7.0(Adobe) ●Adobe unveils Photoshop 7.0 for Mac OS X (MacCentral) ●Photoshop for Mac OS X Arrives: Our Exclusive First Look(Macworld)8page ●Picture this: Photoshop on Mac OS X(CNET News.com) ●And it's done: Adobe announces PS 7(Insanely Great Mac) ●Photoshop 7 TBA today (updated)? (Insanely Great Mac) ●Photoshop 7 Coming in Second Quarter(Creative Mac) ●Adobe releases InDesign 2.0 demo(MacCentral) ●Adobe InDesign 2 - a Major leap forward in cross-media publishing(MacNETv2)
●A First Look at GoLive 6.0(creativepro) ●情熱を持ってXML文書の標準化を(JAGAT)
●Dr. Martens ●my Dearest ●Now that's... Music
●Announcing Photoshop 7.0(Adobe) ●Adobe Sets New Digital Imaging Standard with Photoshop 7.0(Adobe) ●Adobe unveils Photoshop 7.0 for Mac OS X (MacCentral) ●Photoshop for Mac OS X Arrives: Our Exclusive First Look(Macworld)8page ●Picture this: Photoshop on Mac OS X(CNET News.com) ●Adobe releases InDesign 2.0 demo(MacCentral) ●G4s wrong shape for computing clusters? (MacCentral) ●Price hikes promised by LCD drought(ZDNet News) ●Remote-control tools: Easy way to manage multiple computers(Seattle Times) ●Letters: Defending the new iMac(SiliconValley.com) ●Apple on Target in Theme Controversy(osOpnion) ●発売前にさわってみました――シャープの“ケータイビデオ”MT-AV1(ZDNet/JAPAN) ●Adobe InDesign 2 - a Major leap forward in cross-media publishing(MacNETv2)
●TOKTO ●Myadidas ●ALPH ニUS.CMA
●Adobe InDesign 2 - a Major leap forward in cross-media publishing(MacNETv2) ●For Designers, Will X Mark the Spot?(Macworld) ●Yet more Motorola jobs doomed(Macworld UK) ●New Mac satellite Net-connection 'soon'(Macworld UK) ●Not Built Here - Apple Says 'So What?'(osOpinion ) ●Will Apple and Microsoft renew their vows?(ZDNet UK) ●Why Now Is A Great Time To take A Macintosh For A Spin(Gannett News Service) ●Quest For An iMac(Applelust.com) ●Extensis quietly releases Suitcase v10.1.1(MacNN) ●Seybold: Enfocus unveils new PDF tools(MacCentral) ●dot-font: Kerning Chads(creativepro) ●新型iMacに予想以上の需要(ZDNet/USA) ●OS Xハッキング! 第9回 執筆=海上 忍 openコマンドはこんなに便利!(MYCOM PC WEB) ●ソフトのアップデートにとり憑かれるマックファン(下)(WIRED NEWS) ●DTPは印刷を変えた(7)−印刷100年の変革(JAGAT)
●A First Look at GoLive 6.0(creativepro) ●NTT東日本がADSL『いまだけ割引』キャンペーン(CNET Japan) ●アクロス the インターネット〜意外と知らないあの国のネット生活〜韓国(INTERNET Watch) ●日本通信のbモバイル──CF版が目指すもの は?(ZDNet/JAPAN)
●Mckinsey ●mo7 ●Futureprojections
●Atomik 3.0 Launched at Seybold New York(easypress) ●Apple's fortunes hinge on iMac's success(USA Today) ●Wacom Intuos 2(Applelinks.com) ●For Position Only: Digital Wallscapes = Visual Pollution(creativepro) ●A look at the new iMac's shipping delays(Think Secret) ●PStill 2.1(VersionTracker )converts EPS/PS & other PostScript to PDF ●夢物語,それとも大発明? 「100分の1以下」の圧縮技術(ZDNet/USA) ●マスターのつぶやき:デジカメのCCDは,解像度とモアレとのシーソー状態(MacWIRE-D) ●蓄積型データ放送サービス5月開始(CNET Japan) ●ソフトのアップデートにとり憑かれるマックファン(上)(WIRED NEWS) ●紙+ディスプレイの究極のデバイス=電子ペーパー? (JAGAT)
●A First Look at GoLive 6.0(creativepro) ●Reach DSLは“駆け込み寺”になるか?(ZDNet/JAPAN) ●アジア太平洋地域でメトロイーサネット利用が急拡大の見通し(ZDNet/Asia) ●特集:ドメイン取得&ホスティングガイド(ネットランナー)
●The Spike Ranch ●Artworks by dreadcast ●folco
●Illustrator 500 Style Template Book(翔泳社)
●WoodWing Releases Smart Styles 2 for InDesign 2(Creative Mac) ●Digital Film Tools Ships Ozone for Photoshop(Creative Mac) ●200220022002: A rare time indeed(CNN) ●A Chat With "The Joy Of Tech" Creators(O'Reilly Network) ●PageMaker 7.0.1 update(Adobe) ●PageMaker update resolves countless bugs(MacNN) ●Seybold: Callas showcases AutoPilot for Acrobat, more(creativepro) ●On the Move to InDesign: Converting Document and Template Files(creativepro) ●Adobe Launches Assault on Quark with Mac in Mind(NewsFactor) ●Australia's Largest Magazine Publisher Converts to Adobe InDesign(creativepro) ●Seybold: K4 Publishing System 3.2 debuts(MacCentral) ●Seybold: Font Reserve 3.0 for Mac OS X ships(MacCentral) ●Times Names R.W. Apple Associate Editor (New York Times) ●A Great Future In Store For Apple? (BusinessWeek) ●Seybold: WoodWing releases plug-in for InDesign(MacCentral) ●Capturing the Olympics-- Digitally(Apple.com) ●Review: Virtual PC 5.0(ATPM) ●米ビーがマイクロソフトを提訴(CNET Japan) ●棲み分けのマーケットを求めて(JAGAT)
●A First Look at GoLive 6.0(creativepro) ●Introduction to CSS Layout(Apple's Internet Developer homepage) ●次世代ネットの夢と厳しい現実(JAGAT) ●ドイツ産業見本市、5月に上海で開催する“CeBIT”について説明(ASCII24)
●Farfar ●Design Gallery ●aggeman v.5
●IDG notes release of Adobe Photoshop 7 (MacNN) ●Photoshop 7 para Mac OS X(Macuarium) ●Photoshop 7 OS X on Monday?(MacRumors)●OS X v10.1.3 Update Available ●Installer update for InDesign 2.0, Mac OS X, version 10.1.x(Adobe) ●Apple releases Mac OS X 10.1.3(MacCentral) ●Seybold: Agfa Monotype releases 22 new fonts(MacCentral) ●Seybold: Pindar Agility Server to support InDesign 2.0(MacCentral) ●Seybold: NAPS introduces PubBox, NTS XML Toolset(MacCentral) ●Adobe purchasing Avid?(Geek.com) ●A First Look at GoLive 6.0(creativepro) ●Adobe says support for InDesign growing(MacCentral) ●Adobe offers Quark users cross-grade to InDesign(MacCentral) ●Adobe launches $3 million ad campaign(MacCentral) ●Adobe makes Seybold announcements(MacNN) ●Adobe Showcases Major Publishing Wins, New Ad Campaign at Seybold NY(Adobe) ●InDesign 2.0 rebate offer for QuarkXPress owners(Adobe) ●Leading Print Service Providers Endorse Adobe InDesign 2.0(Adobe) ●Adobe Unveils Ad Campaign in First Phase of New Branding Initiative(Adobe) ●Adobe update: More news on GoLive and Photoshop for OS X(Think Secret) ●Symantec planning SystemWorks release for Mac OS X(Think Secret) ●Appleの問題点は技術ではない(ZDNet/USA) ●PAGE2002展示会総括レポート(MacWIRE-D)6page InDesign,Mac OS X,JMPAカラー,カラーマネジメント,デジタル印刷機,XML…… ●マイクロソフト、家庭向け次世代デバイス「Mira」を日本でも発表(PC Watch) ●次世代大容量光ディスク規格「Blu-ray Disc」――その中身は?(ZDNet/JAPAN)2page
●デジクリWebデザイン研究室:音声ブラウザってなに?(MacWIRE-D) ●ネットのソフト無断配信も特許権侵害(CNET Japan) ●見えてきた「街角無線インターネット」の商用サービス(ZDNet/JAPAN)
●BRANDNEWIMAGE ●The Mad Cow Picture Company ●Cryonox
●Lantana releases Crackerjack 4(planetpdf) ●New PS7 Icon(MacRumors) ●So, why wouldn't Sony want to buy Apple?(MacNETv2) ●Pencil-Pal Links Workbook, Software(Associated Press) ●Default Folder updated for Mac OS X(MacCentral) ●Amazon Reveals Its Mac Top Ten(Macworld UK) ●Apple To Kick Off WWDC Registration Next Week(MacCentral) ●アドビシステムズ、電子政府実現に向けたAdobe Acrobatの戦略について説明(ASCII24) ●居酒屋「絵夢D」色ばなし:雑誌広告基準カラー その2(極悪1号,MD研究会) ●アタマとハートと汗によるアウトソーシング(JAGAT)
●Web Sites That Work: Designing With Your Eyes Open(Web TalkGuys Radio) ●プラスチック光ファイバーによるギガビット・ネットワーク実証実験(CNET Japan) ●グリッドコンピューティングで産学がスクラム(ZDNet/USA)
●acote design ●DUROTHETHIRD=VERSION2=SKETCHES ●Confessionalism
●Rumor Mill: IBM to Buy Apple?(PowerPage) ●Avid Buyout?(MacRumors) ●ディスプレイは紙を凌駕するのか(JAGAT) ●Adobe Illustrator 10: Vector illustration software(Creative Mac)5page ●The Complete Guide to Creating Photoshop Filters(Creative Mac) ●Cringely: OS X on Intel(SlashDot) ●Palm upgrades MacIntosh software(Gannett News Service) ●Watson, Karelia Software(Washington Post) ●IMac's Radical Redesign Easy on the User as Well as the Eyes(Washington Post) ●Curvius 1.8.1(VersionTracker)Illustrator plugin for creation of complex paths ●Review: Strata 3Dpro RME(Applelust) ●液晶ディスプレイ購入ガイド(ZDNet)
●thebooys multimedia ●core ●customedia.co.uk
●Adobe Illustrator 10: Vector illustration software(Creative Mac)5page ●The Complete Guide to Creating Photoshop Filters(Creative Mac) ●QuarkXPress 5.0 vs. InDesign 2.0 -- Part 2(planetpublish) ●IBM Buyout?(MacRumors) ●New Custom filter for Photoshop available(MacNN) ●Easy 802.11b Wireless For Small Businesses(O'Reilly Network) ●PCs Are Incorrect On TV(Wired News) ●Everything is easier on a Mac.(Apple) ●Mac OS X Consolidates Three Desktop Systems(Apple) ●The Power Of X(PBS) ●Suitcase 10 For OS X And Classic(Applelust.com) ●Novice techie revives aging Macs(The Register-Guard, Eugene, Oregon) ●Hash Animation:Master 2002 9.0j (VersionTracker)digital character modeller/renderer ●Appleが“Mac似”デスクトップテーマの削除を要求(ZDNN/USA) ●今日から発売! 新iMacレビュー(MacWIRE)5page ●首振りiMacが届いたという速報(MacWIRE)
●seventy9 ●Light magazine ●design4design
●Adobe Illustrator 10: Vector illustration software(Creative Mac)5page ●The Complete Guide to Creating Photoshop Filters(Creative Mac) ●QuarkXPress 5.0 vs. InDesign 2.0 -- Part 2(planetpublish) ●Colour PCs are so four years ago(Financial Post) ●Apple exec refused 'Kill Dock' bribe"(The Register ) ●Lamkin The Mac Evangelist(Macworld UK) ●Enfocus PitStop Wins Gold, Agfa and Markzware Win Silver and Bronze(creativepro) ●dot-font: Industrial-Cool Type (creativepro) ●OS Xハッキング! 第8回 執筆=海上 忍 Terminalでテトリス?(MYCOM PC WEB) ●成長を続けるWEB〜ユビキタス・ネットワーク時代に向けて〜(JAGAT)
●CATVインターネット超高速へ、下り最大42Mbps、日本の提案が世界標準に(MYCOM PC WEB) ●近端漏話とカッド構造の密接な関係(Broadband Watch)
●Oddcity ●Attitude Events ●QT Digital Media