●event & seminar
●「新聞広告デジタル制作・送稿ガイド Ver1.0」PDF(日本広告業協会) ●ヒラギノOpenType情報 Webサイトで公表(大日本スクリーン)
●MacWorld San Francisco 2003 Rumors(Mac Rumors) ●Apple to release new computers and devices that dynamically change color?(MacDailyNews) ●Here are my predictions for what Apple has in store for us in 2003(MacMegasite) ●IBM Mulls Linux For Its PCs(Financial Express) ●Classic Considered Harmful(Jeffrey Zeldman) ●Hands On With The 800MHz iBook(MacCentral) ●Hands On With The Dual 1.25GHz Power Mac by Jim Dalrymple(MacCentral) ●Mac OS X Application Round Up(Rands In Repose) ●Mulling Over Fate Of Macworld by Leander Kahney(Wired News) ●New Uses for Old PCs(Washington Post) ●G5 'Prohibited Technology(Low End Mac)
●Web Browsers For OS X And The Classic Mac OS(Low End Mac) ●Switching Doesn't Have To Sting by Gordon Bass(Wired News) ●Mozilla for Mac OS Classic petition(Mike Richardson) ●Mozilla for Mac OS Classic(PetitionOnline)
●soft ware
●Adobe Illustrator 10 体験版(アドビ)●Adobe Illustrator 10.0.3(Adobe) ●イラレの鬼MX 1.0.3(新らし物好きのダウンロード) ●Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0.5 日本語版 ●SVG Viewer 3J ●AdobePS 8.8J(Adobe) ●「もじくみかなSH版」(スタジオ・ポット)「もじくみ仮名」(日本語の文字と組版を考える会)
●cool site
●Darkest Dimension v3 ●American Museum of P ●kenjimaeda.com
●Acrobat5.0 フォーム活用ガイド(エーアイ出版)
●Brauner Phantom C New Team(ZioShow.com) ●Can You Learn To Love Mac OS X?(Mac Night Owl)
●Hotmail, Yahoo! erect roadblocks for spam sign-ons(The Register) ●いらっしゃい2003年! お正月関連サイト集(INTERNET Watch)
●urban ronin ●SWEAR123 ●brandcom.it "JWT"
●Apple Patent: Dynamic Ornamental Appearance(Applelinks) ●The Quartz Extreme Conundrum(Applelinks) ●5-step recipe for a well-done Apple switch(Seattle Times) ●Not Forbidden Fruit: Try A Mac; You May Find A Taste Is All it Takes(Seattle Times)
●いらっしゃい2003年! お正月関連サイト集(INTERNET Watch)
●Mac 2002 Year End Wrapup And Surveying The Prospects For 2003(Applelinks) ●2003: Crystal Ball Gazing(Insanely Great Mac) ●2002 in Review: Tomorrow's Technology(CNET News) ●The 10 Worst Mac-Related Moves of 2002(Low End Mac)
●A Browser Wars PostScript(The Mac Night Owl) ●eMail, forums and live chat : Origins, history and evolution(iGeek)
●When simple is better(News Observer) ●Apple To Start Murdering OS 9 Users(MacGamer) ●The Jaguar Report: What About Preventive Maintenance?(The Mac Night Owl) ●Supercharging the Supercomputer Race: Japan has the speed and power lead right now, but IBM promises to put the U.S. back out front -- by far -- in 2005(BusinessWeek) ●The Mac Partisan: The Mac And The Creative Professions - Why Macintosh Is The Tool Of Choice For Most Artists Who Use A Computer: A Resource(MacSpeedZone) ●Apple 2002: The Software(Insanely Great Mac)
●「Naver Japan」、掲示板の横断検索サービス「BBSサーチ」β版を開始(INTERNET Watch)
●Museum of Depression ●Harbour Lights demo ●Qfwfq Desgn Studio
●Should You Have To Work To Like An Operating System?(Applelinks) ●Porting to Mac OS X from Windows Win32 API(OSNews) ●2003年はきっとこうなる(ZDNet/USA) ●銀塩のラボ業と同じ役目をするカラーコーディネートする人が必要になってくる(ZDNet Mac) ●From My Titanium Garden:Spring:「コンセプト指向」の新世代デスクトップを試す(ZDNet Mac) ●「Mac OS X DTP制作環境への移行」セミナーにみる、InDesign + OS Xデザインの現実度(ZDNet Mac)
●Whre It Is 'Struggle And Weep' Rather Than 'Plug And Play'(Bangkok Post)
●Samurai Media ●Gallery of Unidentif ●Museum of Depression
●MacEdition Pro News : December 23, 2002: Ho, ho, ho and away we go!( MacEdition) ●The Jaguar Report: Can You Believe All Those Problem Reports?(The Mac Night Owl) ●The Lite Side: Universal Customizable Mac Configuration Order(Low End Mac) ●Mac OS' New Year's Prospects(eWeek) ●Eovia Carrara 2.1: Model Building for the Masses(creativepro) ●“XDocsの脅威”も何のその、Adobeの領土は揺るがず?(ZDNet/USA)
●10.2.3 Download; Slowdown Remediation Report; Netscape 7.0.1(Applelinks) ●「5つのS」を掲げる第3のブラウザ - Operaアジア担当者に聞く(1) (2) (3)(MYCOM PC WEB)
●Aesthetic Apparatus ●Nomaster ●Low
●Microsoft, Adobe In Document Showdown?(CNET News.com) ●Faster G3 chips on the way, 'GOBI'(Think Secret) ●10.2.3 has definitely accelerated much of the OS X user interface....(Mac OS Rumors) ●Christmas 1984: The Great Apple//c vs. PCjr Battle(Eicher) ●Apple-X Uncovers Secret Commercials: Part 2(Apple-X.net) ●Apple working on own web browser; new large screen iMac due at Macworld SF(MacDailyNews) ●Year In Review : Apple's Harvest(CNET News.com) ●What's Ahead In 2003? Here's What I Think(ZDNet) ●フルデジタル化による問題点(JAGAT)
●Microsoft Plots Macromedia Coup Against Java(ComputerWire)
●simply add water ●Snowmobilertv.com ●bigstar
●Poll: Dock, Bottom 'Best' (Macworld UK) ●The ACard ARS-2000FW IDE to SCSI Adapter(Accelerate Your Mac) ●Addonics IDE/ATAPI to SCSI Converters(Accelerate Your Mac) ●Logitech Cordless Navigator Duo and Elite Duo Keyboard/Mouse Combinations(Mac Upgrade Zone) ●Whither the BeOS?(osOpinion) ●OS X Switcher's Guide I (Zeldman.com)
●The Week Ahead: Dec. 23 - 27, 2002(Forbes.com) ●In E-Mail Software, The Medium Is The Mess(Washington Post) ●Chimera Web Browser Receives New Update(MacMinute) ●The Browser Wars Revisited(Mac Night Owl)
●Borzi - Casas - Natalucci Internet Solutions ●Eidetic Memory ●thechemistryproject
●Gateway ad features PowerBook G4(MacNN) ●IDC says Linux will pass Mac OS market share by 2005, possibly end of 2003(Mac Observer) ●Jaguar 10.2.3 Update Musings And More On Slowdowns(Applelinks) ●Education iBook Deal, LapCop Aids 'Book Recovery, Bluetooth from IOGear, and More(Low End Mac) ●Online Apple Reseller Donates iBook To Internet Fraud Victim(Applelinks)
●Next-Gen Pop-up Ads(Slashdot) ●Pop-ups add new twist(c|net)
●thebackpacker.com ●One Bad St ●ville salervo
●Whatever you do, install the OS 9 disk drivers(Mac Net Journal) ●Why Apple Could Successfully Build and Market a Low Cost Mac(Low End Mac) ●Troubleshooting Mac OS X 10.2.3: CD-RW failure; startup problems; more(MacFixIt) ●Thinking Different About a Low Cost Mac for Home(Low End Mac) ●Macs of Christmas Past(Applelinks) ●The Jaguar Report: Yes, the 10.2.3 Update is Faster(The Mac Night Owl) ●Cool Fonts, T.26 font collections added to Fonts.com(MacCentral) ●Illustrator How-To: The Art of Creating Sumi-e(creativepro) ●Apple対MS、次の戦場は同期化ソフト?(ZDNet/USA) ●【コラム】OS Xハッキング! OS XでGIMPを使おう! part2(MYCOM PC WEB) ●フォント関連の知的財産権(2)─フォント千夜一夜物語(17)(JAGAT) ●マスターのつぶやき:「間違いだらけのカラーマネージメント」パート2(ZDNet Mac)
●Lasso Studio 6 for Adobe GoLive 6 ships(MacCentral) ●来春には24M ADSL本格稼動か(INTERNET Watch)
●New iMacs on Jan 7th?(Mac Rumors) ●Where OS X Still Needs Work(NewsFactor) ●Mac OS 9: Never Say 'Never' (Baltimore Sun) ●Microsoft To Bump Apple Into Sync-Hole?(CNET News.com) ●19" iMacs and more...coming to MWSF(Cube-Zone) ●Linux will pass Mac OS as the No. 2 OS possibly in 2003; certainly by 2005(MacDailyNews) ●GNU-Darwin Dropping Cocoa, PPC Support(Slashdot) ●Broken .Mac?(Slashdot) ●What about the G5?(Apple-X.net) ●「200ドルPC」の時代がやって来た?(ZDNet/USA)
●Under the Desktop: Ogling Google and Other Creative Search Strategies(creativepro) ●アクセスした時刻を覚えている引き出し――ユビキタスのリアルな形(ZDNet/JAPAN)
●dan's home ●Blue Waters Digital ●blumedia
●Spring has sprung: a new desktop era for the Mac?(The Register) ●Less Tangible - OS 9: Alive or Dead?(MacOpinion) ●Connectix Unveils Virtual PC 6.0(MacCentral) ●Where Are All The Good Apples?(osOpinion) ●Extensis X double(Macworld UK) ●サンノゼ市、12月2日を“アドビの日”と宣言(ASCII24)
●The Problem with JavaScript(NewsFactor) ●マクロメディアの『Flash』に脆弱性(CNET Japan)
●ESTADODESHOCK.ONLINE ●insite productions ●YoungDesignersLeague
●Adobe offers InDesign 2.0 PageMaker Upgrade(MacCentral) ●PC killer on the loose(InfoWorld) ●Apple's Top 10 of 2002 -- Plus Two More(Low End Mac) ●The LC 520: Still Useful after Nine Years(Low End Mac) ●The Jaguar Report: Why Can't I Print?(The Mac Night Owl) ●Apple Acknowledges App/Memory Problem On Some G4 Macs(The Mac Observer) ●Expression 3: Illustration Tools Meet Natural-Media Brushes(creativepro) ●特集 WISS2002レポート 人とマシンのインタフェースはどうなっていくのか?(ZDNet/JAPAN) ●本体とケーブルを一体化した2台対応小型PC切替器 (CNET Japan)
●IEの世界シェアが95%に(ZDNet/JAPAN) ●Opinion:現実のものとなるセマンティックWeb(ZDNet/USA) ●デジクリWebデザイン研究室:デザイナーとテキストの関係(ZDNet Mac)
●urban-international ●squeakiedotcom ●DATABHI.it
●Certain Macs will boot OS 9 until June 2003' ? Apple(Digit Magazine) ●Apple changes X-only plans(Macworld UK) ●Stay of X-ecution for OS 9(MacUser) ●Apple Gives OS 9 New Lease on Life(NewsFactor) ●居酒屋「絵夢D」色ばなし:ブルーのこんがらがって(ZDNet Mac) ●Apple、OS 9ブートできるMacを来年6月まで提供へ - 国内でも同様の動き(ZDNet Mac) ●九死に一生を得た『Mac OS 9』(CNET Japan)
●MacEdition Guide to CSS Bugs in IE5.x Mac(MacEdition) ●MacEdition^(1)s IE5.x/Mac Not-bugs Guide(MacEdition) ●Spotting, swatting and not-ing(MacEdition) ●Netscape新版にも遮断機能、ポップアップ広告の今後は……?(ZDNet/USA)
●3 am ●mike parsons ●Our Man in Tokyo
●Quark Inc. Puts Monkey Wrench Into Mac OS X Migration Plans(Mac Night Owl) ●An Apple For Teacher Ain't Enough(BusinessWeek) ●Of All The Mac Users, Alissa's The Moxiest(Journal Sentinel) ●Sexy New iMac Sets The Pace - Again(iafrica.com) ●iMac/eMac Bumps(MacRumors) ●ALAP releases Imposer Pro and other updates(MacMerc )
●A Threat To Innovation On The Web(Financial Times)
●clubinibiza ●clubinlondon ●Connected-dots