●event & seminar
●「新聞広告デジタル制作・送稿ガイド Ver1.0」PDF(日本広告業協会) ●ヒラギノOpenType情報 Webサイトで公表(大日本スクリーン)
●Quark talks Mac v. Windows, InDesign and the Web...(MacUser) ●Creating Custom Default Files for Adobe Illustrator(Creative Mac) ●Photoshop Tutorial: Adding Text On Buttons(Dynamic Zone FX) ●Memo to Apple: Think Pivot(The Mac Night Owl) ●Poll: 85% 'still need Power Macs'(Macworld UK) ●Early Desktop Pics Ahead Of Time(Wired News) ●Security 'Impossible' For Win9x, Buy XP Now, Says MS Exec(The Register) ●Microsoft's Tablet PC: A Hard Pill To Swallow? (Baltimore Sun) ●Under the Desktop: Do Content Creators Dream of 64-Bit Chips?(creativepro) ●MD研究会のおじさん達は皆、一度や二度以上の禁断症状経験者でもある(ZDNet Mac)
●Apple, Let My Email Go(Low End Mac) ●AXELedge 1.5: 3D animation for the Web(Mac Design)
●soft ware
●Adobe Illustrator 10 体験版(アドビ)●Adobe Illustrator 10.0.3(Adobe) ●イラレの鬼MX 1.0.3(新らし物好きのダウンロード) ●Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0.5 日本語版 ●SVG Viewer 3J ●AdobePS 8.8J(Adobe) ●「もじくみかなSH版」(スタジオ・ポット)「もじくみ仮名」(日本語の文字と組版を考える会)
●cool site
●Spiti Media ●crudo ●jk web studio
●Acrobat5.0 フォーム活用ガイド(エーアイ出版)
●Illustrator Tips: Organizing Colors and Palettes (creativepro) ●Apple ships Athlon-equipped Macs to testers?(Tech-Report) ●FontAgent Pro named World's 1st Mac OS X(MacMerc) ●OS X on x86 Prototype Boxes(MacRumors) ●Sherlock 3 Versus Watson(Mac Night Owl) ●WirelessUSB - better, faster and cheaper than Bluetooth? (WorldTechTribune) ●iCab Stability, MacMail, the CD-RW Specification, Word 5.1 on a TiBook, and More(Low End Mac) ●Using Filters(Dynamic Zone FX) ●Image-Shrinking Tool Hits New Lows(PCWorld) ●第13回マイクロマシン展開幕――「より小さく、より精密に―新たなフロンティアへ向けて」(ASCII24)
●デジクリWebデザインレビュー:OS的な動きを取り入れたスバルのサイト(ZDNet Mac) ●ワイヤレス機器に革命をもたらす「ソフトウェア無線」技術の可能性(WIRED NEWS) ●BBテクノロジー、ADSL回線を使って配信する「BBケーブルTV」(INTERNET Watch)
●Miriello Grafico ●XN ●IgnitionWeb
●Amiga's Grand Plans Revealed(ExtremeTech) ●Mac OS X 10.2.2 Gains Journaling(eWEEK) ●Distributed Proofreading(MacSlash) ●PStill 2.3.7(VersionTracker)Converts EPS/PS & other PostScript to PDF ●The Jaguar Report: 10.2.2 Update Brings Slew of Bug Fixes(The Mac Night Owl) ●Apple Reclaims the Innovation Lead(BusinessWeek) ●Cyber attackers ignore Macs(ElectricNews.net) ●Apple adds drop-in journaling to OS X server(The Register) ●Apple 'may adopt new IBM chip'(Macworld UK) ●It's All About The OS(Mac Design) ●ついに始まるDVD-RWへの「DVD+RW VR記録」(ZDNet/JAPAN) ●プリプレスにおける2つのワークフロー(JAGAT) ●PFU、文書をPDFにするスキャナー『ScanSnap!』のフラットベッドタイプを発売(ASCII24)
●Five Things You'll see In IE 6... That Aren't New(MacMerc) ●Macromedia Contribute: The Web Was Never So Easy to Change(creativepro) ●MacromediaがContributeを発表、Mac OS Xバージョンももうすぐ(ZDNet Mac) ●Webサイト更新を容易にするツール「Macromedia Contribute」発表(INTERNET Watch) ●『インターネット2』が見せた将来のストリーミング・メディア(WIRED NEWS)
●one.point.zero ●Rocky Mountain Bikes ●freie klasse.de
●Apple Releases Mac OS X 10.2.2(MacCentral) ●10.2.2 Is Coming(SlashDot) ●Upgrading from 10.1 to Jaguar(Low End Mac) ●Why it's getting easier to talk to your PC(ZDNet AnchorDesk) ●EyeTV(Applelinks.com) ●Photoshop Tutorial: Adding Inner Glow(Dynamic Zone FX) ●Bluetoothで持ち歩くハードディスク「HOPBIT」(MYCOM PC WEB) ●ワコム、ワイヤレスタブレット『FW-300USB』を発売(ASCII24)
●Are Macs Virus-Proof?(NewsFactor) ●Macromedia To Sell Light-Duty Web Tool(CNET News.com) ●Major Improvements Needed for Mac OS X's Mail Application(Applelust) ●ライブドアは破綻したが無料ISPモデルは今後も通用する(INTERNET Watch) ●『インターネット2』が見せた将来のストリーミング・メディア(WIRED NEWS)
●Drezign design ●phase81 media lab ●fragmente
●Q&A with Adobe's Susan Prescott(Macworld) ●pdf2vector - Transform PDF Files To Scalable And Editable Graphics(Planet PDF) ●Apago releases v.2.0 of PDFshrink, PDFshrink Lite for Mac OS X(Planet PDF) ●Shrine: Little IMacs Everywhere(Wired News) ●The Mac OS 9 Report: Too Much Fragmentation(Mac Night Owl) ●Fighting Microsoft The Open-Source Way(Business 2.0) ●Xerox Settles, Apple Awaits(MacUser) ●Can Tablets Cure PC Industry?(Wall Street Journal) ●Tablet PCs Mix Science Fiction And Real-World Fiction(Washington Post) ●Dr. Mac: Photoshop Elements 2 works great, less filling(Houston Chronicle) ●Apples to Apples II: Dualies and Droolies(Creative Mac) ●Weekly Download: Custom Shapes for Photoshop 7(Creative Mac)
●Connecting To The Schools(The Grand Island Independent) ●Speakable Web Services(O'Reilly Network)
●Projeto Pomar ●Gonc ●Undefinition
●Q&A with Adobe's Susan Prescott(Macworld) ●PowerPC 970 Presentation PDF(MacRumors) ●Apple had the best advertising commercial of the 20th century with it's '1984' commercial(Other World Computing) ●Original Mac Veteran Leads Sun Desktop Charge(The Register) ●These Two Desktops Contain One-Of-A-Kind Features(Houston Chronicle) ●Stuffit Deluxe 7.0.1(Applelinks.com) ●Apps: Alepin 2.0, PDFshrink 2.0, eLister 2.1(MacNN)
●Apple Ahead Of Pack In Eliminating Spam(Seattle Times) ●Major Improvements Needed For Mac OS X's Mail Application(Applelust.com)
●Hart's War ●Spider-Man ●Projeto 100 Muros
●Illustrator How-To: Turn Bitmap Images into Vector Art(creativepro) ●The End of Mac OS 9 Booting: Should You Buy a New Mac Now?(The Mac Night Owl) ●All Mac Considered:The Mysterious G5(Applelust) ●Skewed Mac: Steve and Me(Applelust) ●Is Mac OS X Slow?(Slashdot)●Poll: Is MacOSX Slow?(OSNews) ●Dual-1.25GHz Power Mac G4: Top-Of-The-Line System Offers Impressive Performance -- At A Premium Price(Macworld) ●Magazines Plan Tablet PC Editions(ZDNet) ●Photoshop Tutorial: Using Gradient Tool(Dynamic Zone FX) ●アップルの新ノートは、パワフル&美白?(ZDNet/JAPAN) ●デザイン&パブリッシング分野でMac OS Xがすぐれている理由(ZDNet Mac) ●ゲイツ会長、『タブレットPC』発売セレモニーで『ニュートン』を痛烈に批判(WIRED NEWS) ●平成フォント誕生物語(3)─フォント千夜一夜物語(14)(JAGAT) ●変貌する写真の世界〜スキャナからデジカメへ、CMYKからRGBへ〜 (JAGAT)
●Battle of the Browsers: Which One Should You Take to the Web?(Macworld) ●Chimera Continues To Challenge IE On Mac OS X (O'Reilly Network) ●Opinion:実際に役立つ検索エンジンを探し求めて……(ZDNet/USA) ●『Mozilla』にあって『IE』にない101の機能(CNET Japan)
●RoryCampbell.com ●Frogger ●Metal Gear Solid 2
●Mac Product Reviews: Where's The Trust? (Mac Night Owl) ●Trying Mac-Like Look To Windows(San Jose Mercury News) ●Tablet PC Ditches Mouse For Useful Stylus(San Jose Mercury News) ●For Position Only: Creating "Real" PDF Files in OS X 10.2(creativepro) ●Photoshop Tutorial: Using Rectangular Tool(Dynamic Zone FX) ●Mac 911(Macworld) ●Laptop Rumor Wrapup: Winners and Losers(Mac Rumors) ●Tablet PCに輝かしい未来はあるか?(ZDNet/USA) ●マスターのつぶやき(ZDNet Mac) DTPエキスパート認証委員会副委員長として余りディスクロージャーし過ぎるわけにも行かないのですが ●表外漢字字体表はどこへいく(2)(JAGAT)
●Who Needs a Pretty Website Anyway?(Business 2.0) ●新築マンションに加入者電話回線はもう要らない!?(INTERNET Watch)
●flashplayground [fre ●A Beautiful Mind ●Humanlike
●Adobe Photoshop 7.0に修正ブラシが追加された理由とは? (ASCII24) ――米アドビシステムズ、ケビン コナー氏に訊く ●Quark's Not Very XPress(As the Apple Turns) ●QuarkXPress 6.0 May Be Released 'As Early as March'(Insanely Great Mac) ●A Year With Pismo(Mac Opinion) ●Consumer Reports Does it Again to Mac Users(Mac Night Owl) ●Why Apple Keeps Clicking(BusinessWeek) ●Essentials of Photoshop Color Correction: Applying RGB Curves(creativepro) ●Photoshop Tutorial: Cropping Images(Dynamic Zone FX) ●MS和解承認でAdobeに打撃?(ZDNet/USA) ●“紙”はここまでスマートになった(ZDNet/USA) ●広告制作におけるデジタルカメラ周りのカラーマネージメントとは!?(ZDNet Mac)
●101 things Mozilla browser can do that IE can't(Neil's Place) ●System 7.1 Heaven(System 7.1 Heaven) ●GoogleパワーがWebの脅威に?(ZDNet/USA)
●tooncards ●Digable Designs ●Design Reactor
●Quark speaks(MacUser) ●Does it Make Sense to Do Unsupported Installations?(Mac Night Owl) ●Doing Three People's Work with One Mac(TidBITS) ●What happened to the G5?(iGeek) ●All Aboard! (But No PCs Allowed)(Wired) ●Microsoft takes on PDF(Slashdot) ●Photoshop Tutorial: Adding Effects - Shadow, Bevel, Stroke(Dynamic Zone FX) ●Author uses iBook, ViaVoice to pen sports bio(MacCentral) ●Apple from A to Z(MacUser) ●Apple ties up with Adobe(AME Info) ●Using AppleScript Studio To Improve Illustrator(Apple) ●Design Doyenne: Plazm Media's Fluid Approach to Design(creativepro) ●Mac OS X 10.2.2 Near Finalized with 6F19 Seeding(AppleInsider) ●なぜMicrosoftが勝ったのか(ZDNet/USA)
●Macromedia to announce new web content software(Think Secret) ●Mozilla riddled with security holes(The Register) ●ファイルメーカーで商用ウェブサイトを構築する(ZDNet Mac) 最終回 最新バージョンのファイルメーカーPro 6で、どう変わるか?
●Attached ●Darkest Dimension v3 ●FlashPlaynet
●Cheaper, faster iBooks coming this week(CNET News) ●The Apple Store reveals base pricing for updated iBooks and PowerBooks(PowerBook Central) ●How paper is becoming super smart(ZDNet AnchorDesk) ●Rumor: MWSF PowerBook G4 Gets VBT, Possible 16(Insanely Great Mac) ●Integrated BlueTooth on Next iBooks, PowerBooks(Insanely Great Mac) ●iBooks at $999, Powerbooks at $2299?(Mac Rumors) ●More 970: Is the 970 going to change the world?(iGeek) ●Big Blue chips for Apple eclipse Motorola's G4s(The Inquirer) ●Why Don't All Macs Come With RAID?(Low End Mac) ●Photoshop Tutorial: Creating a New Image(Dynamic Zone FX) ●紆余曲折の末に文字規格が辿りつくところ(JAGAT)
●Library Boost For Opera 6(Macworld UK) ●XML一問一答 第2回〔基本編〕(JAGAT)
●damentennis ●PWD ●Mach-o-matic.com
●New Apple Trademark: 'XGrid(MacRumors) ●Adobe to provide RAW processing(dpreview.com) ●Help for "Switchers"(Mac Night Owl) ●Rumor: $999 iBook, PowerBook Roll-Out Postponed to November 6(IGM) ●WANTED: Your Bad PostScript Files for Creating Acrobat PDFs!(Planet PDF) ●Adobe previews 'Acrobat Lite'(Planet PDF) ●AcroTip No.72 - Change field shading with JavaScript when printing(Planet PDF)
●Museum Interactive ●BionicDots ●Losthumans
●Apple Internal Bluetooth Module(MacRumors) ●iBook speed bumps and pricing revealed(ThinkSecret) ●It Computes: Laptops Equal Better Learning(Globe And Mail) ●Software Aims To Ease Mac Switch(CNET News.com) ●Watch It, Record It, Burn It, Courtesy Of EyeTV (Houston Chronicle) ●Rothenberg: Apple Is Still Microsoft Pal(eWEEK) ●The Jaguar Report: Tabbed Folders Versus Stability(The Mac Night Owl) ●No matter how often it has been said, it seems that many GNU/Linux and Macintosh users refuse to see the obvious(Open for Business)
●Bunch Of Browsers Stand Up To Explorer(Seattle Times) ●MS、次期Outlookでスパム対策強化(ZDNet/USA) ●特集:超速ADSL怖いものなしマニュアル(ネットランナー)
●OS X Quark still months away(MacUser) ●Capturing Jaguar's Screen(MacMerc) ●Apple backs up laptop rollouts to Nov. 6(Think Secret) ●Superdrive'd TiBooks or Not?(Mac Rumors) ●The Point Not Taken(Open For Business) ●It's Everything I Need And More(Low End Mac) ●Gates' Pen Vs. The Keyboard? (BusinessWeek) ●Photoshop Tutorial: Adding Effects - Inner Glow(Dynamic Zone FX) ●週刊ドットブック:第22回 変わる形、変わらぬシステム(ZDNet Mac) ●【コラム】OS Xハッキング! 第35回 執筆=海上忍 Sonnet ENCORE/ST G4 1GHz体験記(MYCOM PC WEB) ●【コラム】ツールエキスパート One Way Ticket To PDF - pdf995(2)(MYCOM PC WEB)
●iBrowse. CONFIRMED" [attribution: Mac OS Rumors] (Ars Technica) ●Mac OS, SCO, Tru64 Are Safest OSes(InternetWeek) ●Does Search Engine's Power Threaten Web's Independence?(CNET News.com) ●# November Issue of Web Page Design for Designers ●Mini Review: Adobe Photoshop Elements 2(Web Page Design for Designers) ●Top Tip: Fringe Benefits(Web Page Design for Designers) ●Box of Tricks" ["...using CSS for rollovers"](Web Page Design for Designers) ●They say that there is no gain without pain(Web Page Design for Designers) ●富士ゼロックス、セブン-イレブンのコピー機から個人文書の取り出しが可能なサービス(ASCII24) ● 特集:インターネット追跡術(PCJapan)
●Wash Nat'l Cathedral ●Perform Marketing ●echelon|labs
●Quartz Lament: 10.2 on the Low End(Low End Mac) ●Fall Technology Guide: Code of Honor" [The most impressive new software so far this year is Apple OS X version 10.2, also known as Jaguar] (Fortune) ●IBM's 970 : Power4-lite, and the future of the PowerPC? (iGeek) ●PowerBook AND iBook speed bumps Nov. 5, sources confirm(Think Secret) ●Mac Attack!(Hawaii Business Magazine) ●Readers Weigh In On Whether Apple's One-Button Mouse Is Due For An Upgrade (Baltimore Sun) ●Under the Desktop: All PowerPC to the People (creativepro) ●The Photoshop 7 Paint Engine, Part 2 - Dual brush dynamics (Creative Mac) ●Photoshop Tutorial: Adding Effects - Inner Glow(Dynamic Zone FX) ●1,500以上のフォントを含むITC 1500 Libraryが出荷(ZDNet Mac) ●マスターのつぶやき:サービスビューローの黄金時代、「PROVISION」の昔語り(ZDNet Mac)
●ライブドアが民事再生法を申請(INTERNET Watch)
●decdoe ●Xmas Angel & Sheep ●tonic
●Illustrator 10.・Photoshop 7 のエイリアスにドロップしたファイルが消える