Norico Hiraiwa Profile
from Croissant '96.12.25
Noriko's jpeg Date of Birth : June.2
Blood Type : O
Occupation : Composer,Arranger, Keyboard Player,and Singer.
Education : Nihon University Collage Of Arts (Music).
Learned to play classical piano from age 6.
Won the price of Collage Student JAZZ Competition.
1982,graduated from university and started to work as Keyboard Player.
Performed at the Yomiuri New Face Concert in this year and participated in making CF.
Concert activities as a member of the Brazilian Music Group and "ANNA KURUSU & Space Cube".
1986,got married.
After working as a pianist in concerts and musicals,and arranging concerts,made debut as a composer for a TBS drama "KOMATTAMONDA THEY !?"
Lately,works as Singer,sings for Jingles and is challenging new fields.
Now,enjoying take care of child as well as being musician.

Copylight 1998 Bearpoppo Co.
Web Master : Yoshinobu Hiraiwa